Rivers seethed as his question was ansewered, [color=lightyellow][i]"Who does that polynigmiod think he is? Making me wait, I'm hungry damnit!"[/i][/color] Rivers thought to himself angrily whilst making the frowniest of frowny faces. He became more and more enraged as he thought about the situation until, that is, he was approached by [color=hotpink]Bunnygirl[/color]. His pouty lips twirled into a dimpled smile, exposhing shiny white teeth boldly, his eyes lighting up in joy as he was greeted. [color=yellow]Oh, yeah, it's great! I like your bunny by the way!"[/color], replied Rivers as he pointed to the button-eyed beast, the stormy vengeful destruction he was about to call forth unto this place completely forgotten, he stared excitedly at his new acquaintance, eager to make friends with someone new. [color=yellow]"My name's Rivers, what's yours?"[/color], he asked intently.