[center][h2]Feera al' Naja[/h2][/center] [center][b]Where : Cait Sith Capital City <>[/b] [i]Who : [@Jasonhero] Agni Ormr[/i][/center] It was barely midday and already the capital of Freelia was abuzz with the news of the upcoming elections to be held later that day. The streets were cluttered and chaos reigned above as all manner of spritely Cait Sith zoomed about with their chosen companions. On this day Feera was no different. She too was consumed with the ecstatic energy which seemed to pour forth like a tidal current, infected by its energetic expanse. She was currently in a rather tenuous flight to her ultimate destination: the election hall, though it was taking quite some time with the constant dipping and rolling she was required to execute to dodge other flittering players. For her part Feera overjoyed and immensely excited at the prospect of becoming the new Cait Sith leader and, unlike some others who were running for the position, she felt that her unique circumstances meant that she had quite a good shot at winning it. During the first month of the death game Feera had worked as both a guild member and a power-leveler, assisting a large number of lower-leveled Cait Siths in attaining their current positions both level-wise and position-wise in their guilds. She had not originally intended to play the political game, merely doing these things out of the goodness of her heart, though, now that the tables had turned and a number of those noobs had become incredibly powerful guild masters it was not difficult to see that Feera might be able to channel their appreciation into a successful election. She'd already done the requisite work, spending the majority of the morning flying around the city calling in favors. As she approached the voting hall she could see the masses gathering and among their ranks spotted a number of prominent guildmasters. Slowing her speed Feera brought herself to a slow glide before disengaging her wings, setting down on the outskirts of the throng just as those same guildmasters approached with questions and advice. . . [center][h3][b]Voting Complete[/b][/h3][/center] The voting process had taken quite a long time, the rest of the day in fact. After casting her initial ballot Feera and sojourned with a number of her prominent supporters to a nearby inn to appraise their situation and plan their modus operandi should they be fortunate in the elections. This discussion took place in the inn's common room, an area which had, through the influence of Feera and the guildmasters, been cleared away for their personal use. Among the secretive few here was Agni Ormr, a guildmember Feera had known for quite some time. The process of hashing out their governmental system went quickly in comparison to what might have transpired. The compromise was simple: because of the support the guildmasters had given they had demanded they have an official say in governmental decisions, this was fair enough. The government would run on a council of ten elected guildmasters with Feera as their mediator / overseer. Beneath these guildmasters a variable number of lesser guildmasters would work as aids, screening agents, and legislative constructors and, at set intervals, could be elected to replace any of the foremost ten. The system seemed to work well enough in theory though in practice there was bound to be some form of conflict. Looking over the results of their work Feera turned to Agni asking for his appraisal of the system, [color=8dc73f]"Here, Agni, what do you think of this? What would you change?"[/color]