[center] [h1] [i]A Not So Speedy Getaway[/i] [/h1] [/center] Despite her sniper-esq aim, Nisvillia Blissponis was no fighter, and without her companion's aid there was no way she would have made it through the bloody rabble which had engulfed the landing zone. The bark of bolters and the rattling of lasguns boomed through the air, as mangled bodies littered the metal streets of Outpost 57. "I'll be honest," the large red-head said with a frown "the Outpost didn't turn out to be [b]QUITE[/b] the discreet getaway I was hoping for. Next time I should probably haul arse abit further away from the people who're trying to kill me." Her vision clouded by thick smoke, Nisvillia just about managed to catch sight of the nobleman retreating back to his shuttle with his squadron of guardsmen. "Good sir!" She called out, struggling to be heard over the roar of battle "If my companion and I could acquire safe passage aboard your vessel then we would be sure to compensate you handsomely. If you've heard the name Blissponis, you'll know that these are no hollow claims. Help a girl out?"