[quote=Kurisa] Ryuu continued to stab the hollows mask then looked up as Yu called out for him to move, Ryuu then looked down at the hollows mask then ripped out his Zanpakuto and shunpoed off of the Hollow and to the left then sheathed his Zanpakuto and watched what Yu had planned. It was interesting to see what others would do but more interesting would be if this useless thing actually died...it just never seemed to fight back just take getting stabbed a bunch of times [/quote] Yu saw Ryuu move out of the way as Yu spiraled down towards the Hollow at high speeds, His shikai touched the mask and sank deeper and deeper in(Giggity), causing the mask to crack some more, yet Yu saw the Hollow was still moving slowly which surprised Yu a little that it could still move with the damage done to his head, yet kept his shikai there he moved his blade around to see if it was touching the ground. He then grinned as Yu formed a giant wolf under it's head. Yu pulled his shikai out and shunpoed off the Hollow and moved Ryuu back a few more feet. "Bakuhatsu suru!" The wolf then howled as it glew and created a massive explosion right under the Hollow.