[center] [img] http://orig15.deviantart.net/c2e9/f/2013/231/9/c/lunar_eclipse_werewolf___revised__75__by_vvlad_vvolfen-d6ix6wg.jpg [/img] [/center] [i]Pain[/i]. [i]Hot, searing pain[/i]. A world of pure torment ripped through Brunkas' face as a blast of silver tore right into him. He felt like his head and been cracked in two, and then set on fire for good measure. He stumbled through the back-alley, grasping at the bloody tatters of his face, as his life-force dripped down into the cracks between the cobbles. All traces of arrogance were gone from his lupine likeness, leaving only malice and contempt in its place. [i]I c-can't breath...[/i]His huge body shook and swayed, as he wheezed and gasped, the taste of burning gunpowder clogging his senses. His vision had become a twisted blurr of black and red, as sheer agony thundered all around him. Amidst the spectrum of dark hues, Brunkas could just about make out the outlines of his attackers. [h1] [b][color=9e0b0f]"KILL THEM ALL!!!"[/color][/b][/h1] They charged forwards, the last of the hunters, moving as one single organism. They slashed and bit and clawed and hated, ready to bring about the end of those who stood before them. What happened next would seal the fates of all those who stood in the alleyway.