[h3][center]Simon[/center][/h3] [@my Lalia][@Kingfisher][@End Here] As Simon ran with the rest of the team, he subconsciously began a check of all his gear. Rifle, in capsule mode. Armour, scratched and dinged slightly, but okay. Equipment, strapped tightly in place. Systems at 100%. He followed the beast man as he dove past a heap of rubble, running up and over the broken stones and refuse in his way, not bothering about the rest of the team for now until they were in safety. Finally, after a few more minutes of running, the beast man stopped and curtly responded to a very silly question asked by one of the team, an old man. The beast then motioned down to an old train track, hopped down to it and began walking towards a tunnel that led into darkness. Behind them, the gunfire and shouting and swearing slowly ceased, indicative of their safety, which made Simon relax and finally take stock of the team's injuries. As they walked, he let them pass ahead of him and scanned each member individually with his optics, stopping on the lady, who was bleeding quite profusely, and the beastman that he'd given painkillers to earlier. He quickened his pace and cut ahead of the group, motioning for them to stop by raising his hand. [color=lightblue]"We may be safe now but it is of the utmost importance that I treat the injured. Now, would the young lady and our guide please come to me? Don't worry, I'm a doctor."[/color] He tapped his wrist and his helmet retracted back into his chest and black plating, revealing his face to the party again. As he waited for them to step forward and receive treatment, he panned his gaze out towards the rest of the team. One of them, a younger man, had also received an injury, but it was light. His concern was with his two charges, but it was the most beneficial to treat everyone before they moved on. With a free hand he waved towards the bleeding young man and motioned for him to step forward. [color=lightblue]"You, you too. Come here. I'm a doctor, I'll help you."[/color] He reached behind him to grab his laser cutter from his back rigging, holding the pen-sized device in his hand as he waited. [color=lightblue]"If you are able, I would like you to remove your armour or clothing in the affected area so I can tend to you easier. I have painkillers and medigel to aid in your rapid healing."[/color]