[center][h3]Henry[/h3][/center] The crackle of stone resounded down the train tunnel as Henry slid down the side of the wall enclosing the train tracks. His black vestments spread out giving an onlooker the impression of bat wings as before he landed. The C.P. glove disengaged as he absorbed the impact of the slide down the wall. Looking back up he dusted off his hat which is stuffed into the duffle bag slung from his shoulder. Backing from the wall while still watching his foot tapped the edge of the trail tracks and he looked back before throwing a final look at the wall. “I think we shook them but I’m not sure.” Turing Henry walked towards the entrance to the tunnel taking in the group as a whole. “Damn, guess they got us worse than I thought.” Stretching his arms and popping his neck Henry massaged the bruise between his shoulders. It would be gone in a few days. Making sure that nothing was getting ready to rush out of the dark and kill them all; Henry returned to the opening of the tunnel. Hunkering down Henry reloaded his revolver and sat just in the shadow of the tunnel opening watching the far end of the train tracks carefully. “As soon as you’ve finished Doc we need to move it’s not safe here.” Given all that had happened things were off to a very poor start for the group, that and they had yet to really gel as a group. [i]If we don’t move we’re going to die but where we’re going..is it really safe?[/i]