"... Any possibility that the place we are heading now is compromised as well?” The girl had taken the words right out of his mouth. The circumstances of their first leader demise was a bit suspect. They should have had a some sort of plan for this, they should’ve had something set up, at least a contingency. He shrugged off the ill planned meeting. he should’ve taken the transport and left this sorry lot. He scaled the rubble after the beast careful not to slip to his death, the pain in his stomach flared. Eventually when he navigated the rubble he took a break at the top. He sat down a minute, and took the time to catch his breath. He really smelt the city now that his environment suit was breached, it left something to desire. His hand rested on his stomach, eventually the large beast jumped down into the tunnel. He wasn’t very worried about a train Roiger sighed softly, before standing back up. His armor had absorbed most of the damage from the bullet, but a shard maybe two of fragmentation had lodged into his stomach. [b]"You, you too. Come here. I'm a doctor, I'll help you."[/b] he waved off the doc. [b][color=8dc73f]“Lets keep moving doc at least until we get to where we’re headed.”[/color][/b] He stepped towards the ledge, not waiting for a reply. He eased himself down,off the ledge landing with a thud, his took armor ate the impact. He righted himself and took a look around the tunnels, he waited for their “leader” to take them to their destination. [b][color=8dc73f]“You know old man, that's a pretty serious revolver you got there.”[/color][/b] He said towards the brim hatted man who happened to be at the exit to the tracks, the man sat in darkness, without night vision it was fairly hard to see him. He changed his focus to the Brother of Mahl [color=8dc73f][b]“How much further to we have before we reach wherever we’re going? I’m out of ammo in my rifle and I’ve got two clips for my pistol.”[/b][/color] He waved his free hand about, before returning it to his gut shot.[color=8dc73f] [b]“Point is beastie, I’m short on ammo, being incarcerated for seven years, you don’t really get a chance to resupply.”[/b][/color] his words were cool and collected. His HUD flashed a little adding the hidden man to his friendly roster. [color=8dc73f][b]“You two seemed to have collected an interesting group here.”[/b][/color] Again directing the statement to their guide.