We are a family here, only you chose to be a part of this family, and we can choose if we no longer want you here. The world is tough, and our job is to make sure you are ready for it. Welcome to Block 66. Here, there is more love in our little fingers than in most families tied by blood. You want to be part of this family, you have to prove yourself first. But I’m not going to tell you how to prove yourself, that is something you have to figure out. For those you lucky enough to be here, you have to earn your keep. You get a job and, depending on your pay, part of your salary goes to the welfare of the gang. If you do not have a job, you help with the deliveries, and I don’t mean delivering flowers. The world is a cruel place, but if you stick with your family, you should be just fine. In this RP, you can choose to be a gang member, a police man, a corrupt police man, a person wanting to join the gang, a rouge gang member, or something else (if I approve it of course). The time is modern and the location is Chicago (cuz why not?). CS: Name: (Duh) Gender: Age: (Include current age and the age you joined the gang if you are part of the gang) Appearance: (I prefer pictures, but descriptions are cool too. You may use real life pictures or anime) Bio: (Please include why you joined the gang or police force and how you proved yourself worthy to be part of the gang) Personality: (This can be combined with Bio) Other: (Fears, weaknesses, etc.) 1) No speed posting. Please allow at least two posts to go between your last post and your next post. 2) This should go without saying, but no GodModing. If your character shoots to kill, please leave the post open ended enough and let the other person decide if their character is dead or just badly wounded. 3) Please be respectful of other players. If someone shoots to kill your character but you don't want your character to die, have them play dead or send your character into coma, or pass out from losing too much blood. Don't just pop up and say "I'm alive" because "you don't like that they tried to kill you. " The respect should also carry into the OOC room. 4) Violence, profanity, and romance are allowed. However, if I feel like it is going a bit too far, I will warn you in a PM. If you do not heed my warning, I will tell you again in the OOC. If the embarrassment of that does not work, I will ban you form the game. 5) Please, do not use videos to describe what your character is doing in the RP. If you are having trouble finding words to describe what is happening, do the best you can then post the video in the OOC. 6) Just have fun!! :D