[h3]Renewal[/h3] As the noble simply sat there for an interminable time, the Sister scoffed in disgust. If he would not answer in voice or action then she was not his to take care of. Motioning for the orphan to lead them forward, she soon reentered the shadowed alleys, trotting along them as quickly as the orphan could lead her. The bark of stubber and autogun fire and the cracking of lasguns now filled the air constantly, ebbing and flowing from location to location. A distinctive whir caught her ears, one which she had not often heard and still remembered with shuddering fear: the motors of a chain axe. It could not be one of the Khornate Berzerkers for their presence would surely have been noted. That begged the question as to who it was. "You, boy. Bring me to the sound of that chain axe. Hastily now!" she commanded, forcing the boy to swerve around a corner they had almost passed. Her ears noted the ceasing of the motors, meaning that whatever combat there had been had ceased. Placing a hand on the orphan's shoulder to hold him back, she peeked around the corner of the alley, bolt pistol in hand. Legs trundled out of sight around an intersection, prompting her to exit and follow. The weilder of the chain axe- a finely dressed man with a retinue of guards, was walking towards a distant ship as another woman came into view, calling out to the man. As the woman, Blissponis, had done the work to attract the group's attention, the Sister simply holstered her bolt pistol and took the orphan's hand.