Angel heard another woman's voice behind her and her remark. The mechanic turned around to look at the woman. She seemed quite wounded actually. Angel briefly thought about replying to that statement, but eventually decided that nothing was really[color=6ecff6]” Seriously... 'Pixie'?”[/color] She asked, still having troubles believing it.[color=6ecff6]” Well it certainly is better than 'white death', as they used to joke me on my last ship. My name is Angel, but call me Pixie if you really want. What's yours?”[/color] She asked the other woman as the doctor approached her. Well if nothing else she was going to get fixed now, which was good. Angel didn't want to be stuck as the only woman in the group. It was always a plus to have a female collegue to talk to at least. She heard the soldier looking guy ask about how far they were from their destination. Judging from what she heard form their guide earlier, they were still a fair distance away, but the man had a point. She too was running low on ammo. She had a clip or two more, but she wasn't going to last in another firefight like the last one. She wasted a lot of ammo there. At least she still had a few shots for her plasma handcannon. Passing a hand by her belt, she quickly counted she had 3 more plasma clips, which meant 3 more shots with that gun. She was going to do a good thing, if she kept them in case they encountered an armored target of sorts. She had two clips for her main pistol which meant total of 30 shots. [color=6ecff6]“I was approached about this to serve as a main mechanic for a ship and what happens the moment I come? I get shot at from an ambush on solid ground.”[/color] The pale woman said, turning towards the present leader.[color=6ecff6]” I'm getting the feeling my contract wasn't really completely honest about what I was being hired to do. I knew the pay was high and now I need to know the real reason for it...”[/color] She demanded.