I've never played the tabletop game, but the computer games were good. basically there's a shadowrun-esque world, so pre-ftl sci-fi setting with magic being relatively commonplace, and then there's an epidemic, a lot of people die, and then people start putting things back together. The disease causes people to go crazy and try to eat other people. the rp would involve an infected person who claims to be not crazy, and while they still have to eat people, there's a small group of people who believe they might be able to find a cure using this mutated not-crazy strain of the virus. so these people hire someone to go and get this person and bring them to them safely. someone who, shortly after the apocalypse, acted as a crazy person hunter, putting an end to the psychos still terrorizing the few non-infected people. Obviously this doesn't go over well for the not-crazy people eater, but they learn to work together, and then they arrive at their destination, only to find out that the people who had promised a cure, were actually trying to make a super version of the virus, and not being crazy is the first step to really utilizing the disease. so then the pair escape and go looking for sane people...