[hider=Dante Giordano] [b][u]Magician[/u][/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Dante Giordano][img]http://i.imgur.com/PZsGU1f.png[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Giordano, Dante [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] None yet. [b]Magic Name:[/b] Aggredi012 “"One Step At A Time, The Eyes March Forward"” [b]Position:[/b] N/A [b]Faction:[/b] N/A [b]Seat Number:[/b] 25 [b]Nationality:[/b] Italian [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Blood Type:[/b] O- [b]Biography:[/b] As children most of us possess vivid dreams of heroism, a wanting to break through the mundane and become a part of the spectacular. Yet as we grow older we learn that these dreams are little more than pointless escapism. That instead of wasting our time on such fantasies, we should divert that energy to more productive ends. We should find our success in the real world, not the world of fantasy. Dante was never satisfied with such cop out answers. Especially not when the land of the rising sun seemed to promise that adventure could be a very real thing. Yet unfortunately for Dante, he was born in Italy, far removed and unable to enjoy the splendour of becoming an Esper. Not that such setbacks would deter him, especially not under the diligent tutelage of his uncle who served as his guardian ever since Dante’s parents passed at a rather young age. If there was anyone in this world Dante was willing to bestow the moniker “hero” upon, it would be his uncle. The man not only carried himself with the grace of one, he was constantly willing to lend a hand to those in need. In many ways he was the ideal Dante strived towards, a humble man without need of praise or reward, helping others solely out of his own benevolence. Not only that, but his uncle consistently encouraged Dante to follow his dreams, regardless of the potential setbacks or the mockery of the world. In addition to just this general display of goodwill, his uncle was also a magician, just not one with any actual powers. He was a stage magician, tricking the audience through sleight of hand and elaborate illusions to bedazzle and amaze. He filled the crowd with wonder, in hopes that the worries of their day to day life might leave them. It was under his uncle that Dante learned the skills of a stage magician. In addition, his uncle would take Dante with him on gigs in many different parts of the world. While these were mostly limited to America and Europe, they did further Dante’s own love for the myths and cultures of the world. Unfortunately Dante’s relatively carefree life came to an end when a tragic twist of fate led to the death of his uncle. For a while Dante was crushed and left unwilling to pursue his dreams, but through a chance encounter with a real magician Dante regained the will to march forth. Remembering his father’s words to never give up, Dante dove deep into the myths of the world and eventually stumbled upon the secrets of Shiva’s Third Eye. It wasn’t long after, that Dante found himself embroiled in the magic underworld and through a string of random adventures rife with setbacks, discovered the principles of his magic and added four spells to his catalogue. Not long after, he heard tale of Hybrid Academy and decided to travel there to hone his abilities. [b]Personality:[/b] [i]Determined, Optimistic, Persevering[/i] Dante’s defining trait, although not necessarily perceivable on a surface level, is his enduring optimism. He helps people because he truly believes that all people have the potential for redemption. This should not, however, be confused for naivete, Dante is definitely aware of how cruel some humans can be. Nevertheless, he does not believe that, just because humans can be cruel, all attempts to save them should be abandoned. He just understands that sometimes more effort must be taken to beat the sense in others. That said, on the outside this doesn’t always come to light. Instead what is seen is a reserved boy, his mind often preoccupied with some new topic of interest. When around friends, allies and idiots he’ll often verbalize his frequent mental snarking. Often times he can be heard complaining about the weird situations he finds himself in, but none of this is out of ill will, he merely uses it as a coping mechanism. He is, after all, simply a normal person who worked his ass off to get into the world of the supernatural. In addition, he often finds himself running into setbacks and numerous difficulties that force him to find a way to persevere. This has, along with his uncle’s teachings, has instilled in him a firm belief to never give up. Otherwise he enjoys long naps as a form of escapism and for the energy rejuvenation required by frequent long nights spent researching. This can cause him to appear quite lethargic on the outside. Finally, his ability to consistently get lost and cause problems is worthy of note. [b]Likes:[/b] Sleep Puzzles Mythologies Magic Sleep Heroes Afternoon Naps Good Food British Scholars with an Excalibur Obsession And Sleep [b]Dislikes:[/b] Edgemeisters Disturbers of Sleep Manipulative Bastards Thunderbirds Kitsune Eastern-Western Rivalry Giving Up [b]Skills:[/b] Dante’s upbring as a stage magician has left him quite proficient at card tricks and other illusionist acts. Tricks like pulling a quarter from your ear, or finding your dollar bill in a lemon are child’s play to him. In addition he is quite knowledgeable of the histories, myths, folklores and legends of the world. He is good at thinking on his feet and solving puzzles, and is a rather fast runner excelling in extricating himself from difficult situations. Finally his natural curiosity coupled with the power of his eye leaves him with a decent understand of most languages with his most proficient being Latin, Italian, English and Japanese. [b]Magic:[/b] [i]The Third Eye of Shiva[/i] - Dante’s primary ability and the sole ability he can lay claim to as his own. Embodying the legends of Shiva and his rejection of desire, Dante’s own eyes have also transcended to a world of infinite wisdom and understanding beyond typical mortal scope. Put simply, Dante’s eyes are able to view and analyze all supernatural abilities be they Scientific or Magical in origin. In practice he can apply this to Esper Abilities, Magical Spells, and even Magical Artifacts. This allows him to glean information such as the laws by which it operates and traits like the strength and trajectory. In addition he is able to copy magical abilities he witnesses, however this comes with quite a few limitations detailed below. Finally his eyes also allow him to understand any written language. When in use, his eyes glow a red color and light blue magic circles can be seen in the pupils. In terms of limitations, first and foremost, Dante is only able to copy a single ability at a time. In addition, it is generally far weaker than the original spell, as Dante is forced to reproduce the necessary preparations through artificial means. Typically this comes about in two forms, either an astral projection from his own eyes that will tire him out and result in a weaker spell, or by using his blood which his eyes will use as the medium instead. This is accomplished by Dante spilling his own blood which his eyes automatically shape into the proper magic circle. Unfortunately, while this can produce spells with power closer to the original, it is also extremely taxing on Dante’s body. In addition larger and more powerful spells will require more energy or blood further limiting his abilities as a magician. On top of all that, Dante has learned that he can create even stronger copies by offering up body parts or traits like his sense of smell, needless to say this level of sacrifice has not yet been attempted. That said, Dante has alleviated some of the problems through a contract system with the 12 Western Zodiacs. Through these contracts Dante is able to permanently store magic he has seen and reproduce it at higher power levels at lower costs. To compensate, Dante simply has to invoke the proper chant and then pay the lower cost. That said the contracted Zodiac must possesses a degree of compatibility with the spell. However once contracted, the spell is permanently Dante’s and while he is able to further refine its power, he is also locked in. This forces him to take special care in deciding whether an ability deservers cataloguing. The current spells he possesses are as followed: [hider=Spells] [b]Aries:[/b] N/A [b]Taurus:[/b] [i]From Dust[/i] - Drawing from Jewish Belief, Dante is able to manipulate the ground around him. He is able to summon pillars out of the earth simply by placing his hand on the ground and using his eyes to produce the magic circle. However by adding a blood circle to the mix, Dante is able to further this ability and summon forth a single golem. This golem, while slow, possesses an immense degree of strength and is highly resistant to most mundane attacks. It is also decently capable of resisting weak to medium strength spells and esper abilities. Both aspects of the spell don’t require too high of a cost and have the same small chant. [b]Gemini:[/b] N/A [b]Cancer:[/b] [i]Son of Enki[/i] - Drawing from Mesopotamian Mythos, Dante is able to manipulate any water he touches. He can direct its flow, pressure and speed allowing him to use it for all manner of attacks. In addition, the water possesses a purifying element, allowing Dante to clear his mind of unnecessary attacks, heal comrades, or even inflict extra damage on those filled with evil. As the spell isn’t as powerful as the others in his arsenal, it requires only a small expenditure of energy, and its chant is only a few words. [b]Leo:[/b] [i]Cœur de Lion[/i] - Drawing from the legendary Warrior King, Richard the Lionheart, Dante cloaks himself in the crusader’s ethereal armour and arms himself with an elegant knightly sword. With the spirit of the Lion flowing through his veins, not only is Dante unhindered by the armour, but his speed and strength are greatly magnified. In addition the armour provides Dante with greater protection, and with the Warrior King’s guidance he able to deftly wield the sword as a master despite his normal inexperience with the skill. These powers come at great cost, requiring an astral projection, a blood circle and a fairly long chant. Thankfully, Dante does not feel the usual drain on his body until after the spell is completed. [b]Virgo:[/b] N/A [b]Libra:[/b] [i]Yawm ad-Dīn[/i] - Currently Dante’s most powerful spell, Yawm ad-Dīn, or Day of Judgement, draws from Islamic belief to inflict an attack worthy of the heavens upon a single target. Most effective on those with a wicked heart, the spell forces the target to relive every one of their sins and feel the overwhelming pain that each did caused. While this may feel like an eternity for most enemies, the entire ordeal takes place in under a minute in the real world. The more wicked the target, the more pain and suffering they will experience. The sheer power of this scale completely drains Dante of all his energy thus leaving him unconscious. In addition this spell requires an extremely long chant. [b]Scorpio:[/b] N/A [b]Sagittarius:[/b] N/A [b]Capricorn:[/b] N/A [b]Aquarius:[/b] N/A [b]Pisces:[/b] N/A [/hider] [b]Theme Song(s):[/b] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZDJyBikt-A [b]Extras:[/b] Dante owns an old Dagger, which, while more than capable of being used as a weapon, primarily functions as a means of fulfilling his contract and drawing blood. He also owns an old laptop, a large collection of books on mythology and folklore, and an old bicycle. [/hider]