Meesei allowed Sabine to lead the way as she followed her into the pool. She was glad to be able to be in the water once more, as she could hardly recall the last time she swam. Moisture was a pleasant sensation on her scales, and she much preferred receiving it from a warm pool than the harsh, biting cold of the snow and ice outside. Once Sabine gave the introductions, Meesei smiled and gave a nod to the Nord, Freida. "I am glad to have helped. This clan, I will protect with my life...though I prefer to use an excess of lightning instead." Meesei said with a slight chuckle. She swam up alongside the group and looked over each of them carefully, trying to keep in her mind the names Sabine had listed before. So far, she only knew that the Nord girl was named Freida, and the boy hiding awkwardly behind the low wall a short distance from the pool was Roland. "With my excessively busy schedule, I have not been able to meet as many of the clan's members as I would have liked. Perhaps I will be able to thank your uncle personally for his aid in defending the clan? Regardless, it is good to meet you all." Meesei said politely. --- Ahnasha was not certain what Najirra intended by having them feel for their heartbeats, but as it was not similar to anything she had tried before, she gave no protest. As she needed both hands for this exercise, she had to reluctantly allow one of Najirra's daughters to take care of Rhazii for the time being. Najirra certainly was not transparent about the overall goals of what they were doing, which was slightly frustrating, but she supposed it was possible that knowing would make it somehow ineffective. She followed along, tapping out her heartbeat each time she felt it. She could not help but to notice that she was tapping at a different rate from Fendros, which seemed odd to her. Despite the tension from describing her experiences, she did not feel particularly frightened or otherwise compromised emotionally. She wondered if Fendros was feeling nervous, or if a Khajiit heart simply beat at a different pace from that of a Dunmer. Afterwards, Najirra instructed them to do what seemed like meditation. It was not something she was at all unfamiliar with, but at the same time, she did not see how meditation, even extended over months or years, could cure their issues. She just had to trust that everything Najirra had planned for them would make sense when taken together. The breathing exercise took a few moments for her to learn how to perform correctly, after which she followed along silently while anticipating the next instruction he would give. --- Speaking was not something that Kaleeth was especially adept at while in beast form; the others could not offer advice for her as they would a werewolf. She had been relearning how to form the sounds over the past few months, although it was not an easy task. She shook her head and let out a single long, drawn out "No." Her meaning was that she did not want to go hunting, as it would require stepping out into the cold. Of course, Janius' initial question had been if she could understand him at all, but in that case, any answer at all would not make sense if she could not. Kaleeth took a few steps forward, closer to the group as she looked them over and took in their scents. Perhaps it was just because she was well-fed, but they did not seem quite so much like prey as she had been expecting. However, she did not want to give that a chance to change, so quickly, she began the transformation back into her Argonian form. As her bones and muscles shrank and reformed back to their normal sizes, she continued to step forward closer to Janius until she was back to normal entirely, at which point her legs gave out beneath her and she collapsed forward into his arms. "Why does that always have to hurt?" Kaleeth whispered to him while her gaze wandered back over to the group of children. Despite it only being a short demonstration, they seemed sufficiently impressed at the novel sight. It was something that brought a smile to her face.