[h2]Brea Moirai[/h2] It was getting hard not to limp as she tried to keep up with the others. If they kept going she would surely would die of blood loss. Thankfully though Doc stopped them, and called her, Beasty and some other guy up to get treated. She smirked at Doc when he said "don't worry I'm a doctor", last time anyone said that to her they were trying to get into her pants. She clutched her side as she went up to Doc, she lifted an eyebrow when he said it would be better if they took off armour and clothes around the wounded area. Okay, so he wasn't far off the last guy that claimed to be a doctor, but she did what he asked. She took her breast plate off and lifted her under armour shirt so that it was just below her breasts. She then took off her utility belt and the left thigh guard before pulling her left side under armour pants down so it was below the hip. The wound was where her under armour shirt and pants met the one place that was weak. Anyone looking at her would of took notice just how many scars she had. She was sure that Doc maybe a little surprised as she wasn't that old and wasn't always in combat. She wondered if he would be a little horrified by some of the hack job fixes some of her scars looked to be. She smirked at Pixie when she asked about the name. The girl then gave her, her name. Which Brea thought wasn't too far from Pixie, so she was going to keep calling her that. Once she got a nickname for someone it was hard for her not to call them that. [color=wheat]"Brea..... Brea Moirai."[/color] She answered Pixies question. She suddenly wandered if Beasty knew of Moirai, they were both in the Brotherhood and roughly the same age as far as she could tell. She was pulled from her thoughts when the other that Doc called up said about continuing. [color=wheat]"You maybe able to keep going but if you haven't noticed, some need medical attention."[/color] She said, her tone harsh and her intense green eyes showing that she wasn't impressed with the guy. When both the guy and Pixie commented about ammo, she had to wonder if they wasted that much or if they were that unprepared. Either one was a worrisome thought. She wasn't too worried about her little stash, as her rifle could take three types of ammo and she didn't use her other weapons too often so she okay for ammo, plus she hated wasting ammo in a fight. [color=wheat]"I see most of your contacts weren't completely forthcoming with what you were getting into.... How unfortunate."[/color] She said coolly though it was rather unfortunate that they weren't told about this. Moirai at least told her enough for her to know that this was going to be a shit fight, but he never sugar coated anything. Which she was grateful for.