Giovanni couldnt even bring himself to laugh when Captain Viole ran into the pole. He was too busy trying to figure out where the cameras were. He was now convinced he was being Punk'd. He looked down at the flyer and read over the information. It seemed legit enough. But did he really feel comfortable learning kido from someone who clearly had no formal training himself. A man who seemed to be more and more impossible as time went on. Never mind the daunting question of "who is he" more importantly "what is he?" Gio put the flyer in his shihakusho and walked the other direction. the idea of a place to lay his head hadn't crossed his mind until now. Under normal circumstances shinigami stay in their barracks, but that wasnt exactly an option for him. as the plot thickened he decided to find a place to train. with any luck he would train untill he passed out and wouldnt have to worry about finding a barrack until tomorrow. That or he would hurt himself so bad he would need to go to squad four but he preferred the first idea better to be honest. he needed as much of a break from Captain Violes Spiritual pressure as possible. So off he went in search of a suitable location.