[center][color=662d91][h3]Mao no Kagami Lazy Ninja of the Leaf[/h3][/color][/center] [i]Tick, tick, tick. . .[/i] The sound of the running wall clock snapped Mao out of his growing revere, dull gold optics swiveling with a practiced ease to once again take in the classroom around him. The room itself was sturdy enough, filled with stable wood desks and chairs as well as a few loose filing cabinets along the far wall. The academy hadn't changed much from his own days as a genin, probably the same instructor too! The lazy ninja couldn't suppress his own chuckle, the edges of his lips pulling into a simple grin. These genin didn't know what they were in for. Earlier in the day, after receiving his instructions from the messenger-nin Mao had taken the liberty of moving to his assigned area of the training grounds and thoroughly trapping it. His style of combat placed a high premium on getting the drop on his opponent and as a shinobi it was rarely required that he (or his new genins) ever fight fair. As far as he could tell the entire area was so thickly boob-trapped with so many well concealed sealing tags that even a hunter unit might have a fair share of difficulty moving through. Well, that was where teamwork came in. Once the group realized he'd trapped the area they'd have to designate one team-member to sensory-duty while the others went on the offensive: basic teambuilding at its finest. Lifting his feet Mao thrust the bottoms of his heels against the teacher's desk before him, cocking his chair back onto two legs. He balanced here for a moment, eyes closing briefly as the sweet release of unconsciousness washed over him. . .