[@Sodium] It seemed that crashing through a cell wall had disoriented one of the Mgalekgolo somewhat, which was only made worse by its uncanny sense that... something... ( [@Moonman] ) had crossed its line of sight just before it went down after its actual target. Upon sighting the girl, it raised its shield and began charging up its Fuel Rod Cannon, but the concussive shot fired from the girl's gun proved strong enough to actually make the hulking alien reel back in recoil. Nothing of this calibre had happened outside of getting caught in one of its old master's Wraith cannons, and as such, it didn't think to stop charging up its Fuel Rod Gun. This had the unfortunate effect of it firing off the gun while pointing it directly at a crumbling, derelict prison wall, causing the entire bloody hallway to collapse on top of the creature, with the explosions managing to disintegrate its fragile midsection in the process. [@Rick Sanchez] Meanwhile, in slightly more peaceful pastures, Rugal had chosen to stand still and lean up against a wall while he waited for his [s]dramatic execution-based show-stopper for those cameras[/s] person that needed 'rescuing'. He was smirking the whole time, of course, confident that this plan would take care of the two rogues and hopefully get this show's odd schedule back on track. When he heard loud padding coming down the hall, he started confidently walking towards the other side to hopefully make them jump, leaving them exposed, but before he could even get that far, the sounds abruptly stopped. [b][color=ed1c24]"Hmm?"[/color][/b] He couldn't help but vocalise as his smirk disappeared and he started rubbing his jaw again. This was unexpected. This could mean any number of things. Perhaps they recognised his voice from his home universe? Unlikely. Maybe they knew the whole thing was a set-up? Unlikely also, but not as unlikely. Maybe they were just paranoid? Most likely of the three. Sidling up against the wall, he peeked around the corner, with one hand held to his side, ready to toss a Reppu Ken in case they tried anything funny. But then something weirder happened; there was no-one there at all. At least, not in front of him. Or they could have just been invisible, or... In the midst of considering every possibility, Rugal idly looked up, and his definitely rather irritated gaze fixed on the person-slash-creature that had been hiding up there, surprisingly managing to escape his notice until now. Clever, he thought, but not clever enough to escape him. Nobody could escape him, really, it was just a matter of how long. Rugal actually felt even more confident with that in mind; considering that meddlesome Kusanagi child, this greasy-looking thing overall ranked quite low on the threat list. [b][color=ed1c24]"You. I was not expecting you."[/color][/b] Rugal spoke to the creature with added confidence, albeit possibly in vain; from the looks of it, there was good odds it couldn't speak. [b][color=ed1c24]"...I was expecting the girl with the oversized pizza cutter. But I suppose you'll do, ha ha! I joke."[/color][/b] With that 'joke' out the way, he almost comically quickly returned to normal, adjusting his scarf and making sure to avoid accidentally smirking mid-speech. He stood still and calmly explained the greasy thing's predicament, making sure to talk up a friendly game just like the book recommended. Once again, the old him would probably have Genocide Cutter'd his legs off just for being the wrong person. But this thing could prove useful as leverage for that girl, if nothing else. [b][color=ed1c24]"I'll make this quick."[/color][/b] He began. [b][color=ed1c24]"This facility we're in right now is something of a death trap for the lot of us. Judging from that look, I'd wager you know as much about this as I do. What's important is that we leave. Fortunately for your unfortunate self, I know the way out of here."[/color][/b]