[center][h3][color=pink]Nagisa Hana[/color][/h3][/center] Nagisa was clinging on to the last bits of unconsciousness as best as she could, but the scratching at her feet was making it [i]very[/i] difficult. Groaning, she pulled the blankets over her head to block out the sun, but that only resulted in her ankles being exposed to more scratching of her friend's small paws. She kicked in the direction she thought he was in, and chuckled when she felt the soft fur against the bottom of her foot. She pushed him off the bed, earning a small yelp as a thump was heard. [color=pink]"You had it coming, Lee."[/color] she mumbled from under the covers. A moment later she felt a heavy weight jump onto her bed and it started to pull at her hair that had slipped free from the covers. This caused her to grow more irritated by the second and she turned over, gathering up her impossibly long pink hair and glaring at the ninneko before her. [color=pink]"Cut it out you little shit, else you'll be homeless."[/color] she told him, yawning afterwards, somehow making her threat less convincing. The cat licked one of his paws, looking not at all concerned with her threat. [b]"There's someone at the door."[/b] he told her, hopping down off the bed. She raised a brow at him as she reached for the pack of cigarettes at her bedside table. [color=pink]"Well, go answer it. It's not like you do anything else helpful around here, damn cat."[/color] she said, gesturing with a hand out to the surrounding state of their small apartment. The visible kitchen and sitting area were all hazardously crowded with clothing, dishes, and other things like garbage and ninja tools. The small ninneko looked around as well and scoffed. [b]"It's not like I'm the one who made this mess. Honestly, are you even a woman?"[/b] he asked her, shaking his head. [color=pink]"What, you want me to verify it for you? Fine."[/color] she said, placing a single cigarette between her lips and standing up. She pulled up her shirt past her chest, the thing was previously long enough cover up her intimate parts, and she grinned at the small cat who sighed and brought a paw up to cover his eyes. [b]"Alright, I get it."[/b] he told her, grumbling as he padded away. Nagisa let out a laugh and released the hem of her shirt as she made her way to the front door. When she opened it, she noticed a man holding out a scroll towards her. She looked at him for a long moment, letting her eyes travel up and down his body. [color=pink]"Aren't you a nice looking hunk of meat?"[/color] she asked as she took it. She glanced down at the scroll, seeing her name scribbled on the seal that held it closed. It bore Tsunade's familiar writing. She glanced back up to thank the messenger, but he had already vanished. Standing there for a moment, she scratched her butt before she would close the door with her foot. [color=pink]"Goddamit, Lee... where's my lighter!?"[/color] she said after a few moments of looking around. The small black cat pranced into her view after a few seconds, holding her lighter in his mouth. She knelt and took it, lighting her cigarette before sitting fully on the cool wood floor. She picked Lee up and sat him down on her lap, and petting his ear as she opened the scroll so they could both read it. A few moments of silence passed before the ninneko spoke. [b]"So, we get to met the little ones today, hm? You should probably- what's with that face?"[/b] he asked her as he turned to look at her. Nagisa was beaming, absolutely ecstatic about the news. She quickly jumped to her feet, causing Lee to yelp in surprise. [color=pink]"Oh my gosh! Lee! Do you know what this means?"[/color] she said excitedly as she started pacing around. [b]"You have an excuse to pick on children?"[/b] [color=pink]"Y- No, Lee. Damn."[/color] [b]"You have a reason to quit smoking? And drinking? And prostitu- OWW! OK, I don't know!"[/b] Moving her foot from the ninneko's tail, she said excitedly, [color=pink]"I might be able to teach someone my Hiden. I mean, the chances are small considering how tough it is on the body... but there's still a chance. Right?"[/color] she asked him, kneeling down to his level. The cat looked thoughtful for a moment, before closing his eyes and nodding. [b]"Right, but first you have to get ready."[/b] he told her. Nodding, Nagisa spent the next hour or so showering and getting geared up while Lee did what he could to tidy up the small space the two called home. When the two were ready, they set off towards the Academy at a casual walk. Yawning as Nagisa and Lee entered the building, the two roamed around the familiar building until they found Classroom #14. She reached out and opened the door, looking around to see that her studen't hadn't arrived yet. [b]"They're not here."[/b] Lee said as he hopped up onto the teachers desk, sounding about as disappointed as she felt. Nagisa closed the door behind her, looking for a trash can to dispose her used cigarette. She promptly pulled out another and lit it, moving over to the window and pushing it open. A big gust of wind blew into the room, lifting the long pink strands of her hair and blowing them around her head. It was then that Lee spoke the words she was thinking. [b]"You forgot your hair tie."[/b] he told her, licking his paw and rubbing his ear. Nagisa nodded and reached back into her hip pouch, pulling out her spare, and held her cigarette between her lips as she gathered her hair and tied the end of it as she usually did. When she was finished, she leaned against the wall and returned to gaze back out the window. [b]"What now?"[/b] Lee asked her. [color=pink]"Now we wait."[/color] she said, slowly letting out a large sigh and watching the smoke float out of the window.