[center][color=92278f][h3][b]~Diabolic Esper~[/b][/h3][/color] [img]http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f206/beingofthenight96/Diabolic%20Esper%20Add%20RP%20Icons/DEAdd48_zpstluxnsws.png[/img] [color=92278f]"Heh... sounds interesting,"[/color] Add didn't have much to say to the little girl, considering the fact that most of his talk would just confuse her, and thus ruin her usefulness. Not wanting to tire himself out by walking, he had his Dynamos act as his hoverboard, floating after Ika with that confident smirk of his. Besides, a base of operations didn't sound all too bad, except for the fact that it was probably one of the bigger building structures in the city other than the newly created palace. Well, there was also some person nearby, but that wasn't the greatest of their concerns, right? [@Absolis][@Spartan2961][/center]