Meesei remained mostly along the sidelines, observing Sabine's interactions with her friends. She took particular note of the mention of Caleb, given the conversation that had preceded their arrival at the pool. If it was the same Caleb that she knew, then it was an interesting revelation, though not one without concern. Pushing aside the thought for the moment, Meesei answered Thyme's question while the others teased one another. "Yes, I am. I would say I have considerable skill in all forms of magic; conjuration less so than the others. My upbringing was in a remote area of Black Marsh, so I know forms of magic not found in the Empire, those passed down by my people." She explained, though at the same time, she was listening to Sabine's conversation. It was not something that she felt she should involve herself in too greatly, as she wanted to allow Sabine to have time with her friends unimpeded. Meesei leaned back in the water with her hands behind her head, allowing herself to float on the surface while using her tail to keep herself stationary. However, she did find herself curious enough to make one comment, one that might give Sabine more of a chance to return Angela's teasing. "What of your friend over there? He seems quite reluctant to join you, or even leave that wall." The boy, Roland, could hear some of what they were saying, and at one point, almost looked like he might actually step out towards the pool, but nevertheless remained precisely where he was standing. --- " heartbeat slowed, so it must have done something." Ahnasha answered. She was having a hard time putting into words exactly how she felt. Again, her heartbeat was not as slow as Fendros', but she was starting to think that was normal, since she certainly felt less tense overall. She scratched behind her head, tilting it to the side slightly while she tried to decide on how to answer. "I feel a little strange, honestly. Like...I have too much air, but not in a bad way, necessarily. Breathing that way was a bit odd, but relaxing, I suppose. It took more concentration than I would have thought, but it did clear my mind, at least. I guess I feel the same way as him. Should I be feeling any different?" She asked, wondering if the experience was supposed to differ for them at any point. Perhaps he was looking for something to change between them to figure out how the event had affected both of them individually? --- Kaleeth tightened her arms around Janius and returned his kiss. Yes, but...I think I would like that better, honestly." She commented as she straightened out and stretched her aching muscles. It felt as if she had been exercising for a few hours straight, though from her experience, the feeling would not last nearly as long. Turning her head, Kaleeth looked to the children once more. As was common for those their age, their attention span was short enough that their focus could easily and quickly shift. Now, they were fighting over the remnants of the shield, competing to see who could get the largest piece. She had obviously impressed them, though they now looked like they were mostly interested in playing with one another, particularly since Kaleeth would not be able to transform again for some time. Kaleeth walked back over to her belongings with Janius and began to collect them. As she was tying together her loincloth, she gave another smile in the children's direction. "I think I like them. They seemed so excited and happy to see something new. They are...adorable."