[center][h3]Simon[/h3][/center] [@End Here][@Kingfisher][@my Lalia] [indent]Seeing the lady be the first to expose her wound, Simon immediately went to see her. He tapped his wrist and as his helmet folded up over his head, he vocalised commands to his armour systems. [color=lightblue]"Optics, analyse wound."[/color] From his experience without implants he already knew the wound was a moderate one; he dropped to a knee, ignoring the more obvious parts of her body to focus solely on her wound. The coin sized hole on her front matched up with a fist sized exit on her back. Through and through, nothing inside her, a fact confirmed by his optics a second later; preliminary x-rays came back devoid of metal. No damage to ribs or spine, just loss of blood and tissue, an issue he could fix. There was a nick to her pancreas though, something he had to address first. The lady was having a short conversation with the other younger lady present, a pilot or mechanic from what he gathered. Simon cleared his throat as he kept his eyes focused on her side. [color=lightblue]"Well the good news, miss Brea, is that the bullet missed your insides. Mostly. Your pancreas took a minor hit but it'll survive. I'll patch you up with some staples and medigel, but you have to not overstrain the wounds while they heal."[/color] As he said this he drew his rifle and racked the slide. The cartridge of numbing capsules ejected from the top of the rifle, which he caught and reattached to the side of the gun. Also clipped to the side was a small vial filled with a fluorescent green gel. Simon loaded this into the rifle, cocked the slide and pushed a button on the side. Immediately the whole rifle assembly shrank as it folded into itself, leaving the barrel elongated as the muzzle brake folded up and stowed itself within the metal tube, which shrank to half its size. He reached behind himself and grabbed a small spray canister next, shaking it vigorously before popping the top off. [color=lightblue]"This may tingle. I assure you this will only numb your injured area and nothing else."[/color] Simon depressed the top of the bottle and a light liquid film sprayed onto her side. He did this liberally both over the entrance and exit wounds before stowing the bottle onto his back rigging. Then he hefted up his rifle and aimed it at the entrance wound. [color=lightblue]"Do not panic. I am only inserting this to administer medigel."[/color] After waiting a few seconds for the numbing agents in the spray to take effect, he moved the barrel in, slowly pushing it deeper while monitoring its position on his optics. Once the tip of the barrel bumped against her internal wound, he depressed the trigger. The rifle's mechanism immediately pushed into the loaded vial, squeezing out a liberal amount of the green gel as he withdrew the barrel slowly, leaving a trail of it all the way out of the entrance wound. Without pause he stood, moved behind her and repeated the process with the exit wound, using the rest of the gel to cover the larger area of tissue damage on her back. The gel would almost immediately take effect, warming up with her body heat as it melted and was absorbed into her flesh. The healing agents within sped up the healing process, and it would feel like her insides were swiftly knitting themselves together. Painless, of course. He racked the slide to eject the empty vial and pulled a slate grey magazine from the other side of his rifle, loading that into the breech as he watched the healing process through his optics. He knelt again and, with a hand, held the exit wound closed whilst aiming his rifle against her with the other. [color=lightblue]"These are staples, and these may sting."[/color] Without pause, he pressed the barrel against the edges of the wound and pressed the trigger. With a snap and a soft hiss, a surgical staple punched into her side. He repeated this four more times, closing up the whole wound on her back. Simon stood, moved to her front, and repeated the process, only using two staples to close the smaller entry wound. Finished with the procedure, which had only taken a few minutes, he stood and unloaded the magazine of staples while stowing his helmet. With a small smile he gave Brea a nod. [color=lightblue]"Done. I advise you not to strain or stretch your side for the next few minutes while the gel takes effect. It'll feel like your insides are knitting themselves together, you see, entirely painless and bloodless. You'll be back to full strength in a jiffy, although it might take longer to replenish the blood you've lost. The staples are made of a biodegradable iron compound that will dissolve into your bloodstream once the healing is complete."[/color] That said, he moved away from her and moved towards to the beast whose shoulder was bleeding, repeating the same procedure but using less resources as the wound was smaller. After everything was done, he'd expended another half a vial of gel and a few staples short of an empty magazine. Both Brea and the beast whose name he had not gotten were treated and healing. That left the young man. He walked quickly towards him and gestured to his stomach, while scanning the area with his optics. [color=lightblue]"Are you sure you don't want that looked at? There's a piece of shrapnel stuck there that could lead to complications I will not be able to treat later on."[/color][/indent]