[quote=@Terminal] Paging [@Halvtand]. After reading the description for your Android, I realize you probably had your own ideas for introducing them - but if you are currently lacking/would like to explore alternate avenues, I left an opening for their introduction in my post as one of the Androids tasked with exploring the Estate. Being a creation of the old Regime of the RR army, either Royal Robotics or the Royal Army might be using that particular task in order to evaluate how trustworthy/effective they are. But if that's not what you had in mind, it's not problem. I can proceed regardless. I just thought I would make the offer so long as I was using androids at all in the first place. [/quote] Thanks for the offer, I probably would've gone for it if I didn't get another idea from reading your post. I'd like to run an idea by you. We'll set up an encounter, your guy has a couple of droids of the same model as my guys, I guess someone else found a warehouse or something, doesn't matter. They're doing the sweep when my character shows up and basically takes over the role of master, thus removing all those droids from your command. My character then wants to leave with the droids and live happily ever after and... Yeah, what do you think?