Some opinions from our dear Lord Jewel Namore. 'Lord' Sish. I have no idea how such a brute ever managed to attain such rank within the Sith Hierarchy. He is not my equal in any way, clumsy, impure and blunt, he would seem ideally suited to being unleashed as a weapon of war on a battlefield and little else. I can only conclude that it is by the virtue of some higher patron that he has attained his current rank. I look forward to watching him die choking on poison gas, or perhaps being fried by Force Lightning. Then I will have to acquire his corpse, at least the hide - I needed new boots. Jayda. Her potential, such as it is, is wasted by her master, who sees skill in inflicting pain as the only goal worth pursuing. Perhaps I will take her for myself. The only question is whether to push her into killing the master or just kill him myself and be done with it. I suspect I will come to a conclusion soon. The girl will never match me (but then, who does?) but she will make a useful, even powerful, tool.