Like Sabine, Meesei too remained silent, observing how the situation unfolded. Roland obviously heard them, but was quite reluctant to do much of anything. "Oh, um, well, I..." He began, but he failed to say anything even marginally coherent. It almost looked like he was about to leave entirely when he felt something brush up against his leg. He quickly glanced down, then let out a scream and started running off in the direction of the pool. He seemed as if he were trying to run around it to the other side, but as he neared the pool, the floor became more wet from people climbing in and out of the water. So, as he tried to turn, he slipped and fell straight into the water. To punctuate the event, from behind the low wall, Leaps-On-Elves sauntered out into the open, raised his head, and let out an almost innocent-sounding chirp. Obviously, most of Sabine's friends were laughing, and even Meesei did not hold back a quick chuckle. Still, she decided to remain mostly uninvolved and instead swam over to the other side of the pool to grab Leanps and bring him in, under her supervision. --- Unlike before, there was no question in Ahnasha's mind about what she wanted to do. There was one effect of their ordeal that was the most common and persistent. It was perhaps not the most intense, but certainly it was disruptive. "I want to understand these nightmares. We do our minds keep making us live through that torture again and again? Do they wish to just torment us? I only have them occasionally with the medicine, but makes it difficult for him to sleep. Is it because we are lycans that the nightmares are are so intense; have we been cursed by Vaermina? They're just...too common to be tolerable." In Ahnasha's tone there was the strong presence of desperation. There were other problems that they were facing during waking hours, but not having to fear going to sleep each night would cut down on their stress tremendously. She [i]needed[/i] to have an answer, and she hoped that the nightmares were a problem that Najirra would be able to solve relatively soon. --- Kaleeth shook her head. "No, we wouldn't have enough shields, not old ones at least. I don't think anyone would want us breaking the good shields." She answered, not quite picking up on the potential sarcasm. She was better about such things than before, but the subtleties of tone in Cyrodilic was still a point where she could err. After she finished getting dressed, Kaleeth put an arm around Janius and pulled herself close to him with a wide smile across her face. For just having transformed, she was in a surprisingly good mood. They started to walk away, but as they moved along, she turned her head and looked to him curiously. " you like the children too?"