[i]Make this swift[/i] [i]That order had been given before. Before He’d ever been assigned on his own. A room full of people, they had been looking for a Dark Father worshipper...or so he’d been told. There were many members of the Grand Sol Duchy with them that night. Too many. They’d cut off all the entrances and exits. No way out for those inside. They’d made the call to simply slaughter all of the people inside a “noble” sacrifice in defense of our way of life. The people should be happy to give their lives to send one more worshipper of the Dark Father back into the night. So we did it. We killed every single one of them. When the night was over the room had been painted in blood and we all smelled of gore, oil, and gunmetal. I’d run out of ammo and one of them had tried to fight back. A woman, no not a woman. A girl. Barely old enough to be called a woman and she’d died to the CP gloves. It had shattered her neck like a brittle piece of glass. The light died in her eyes as I squeezed the life from her[/i] There was a click as he loaded one of his last few cylinders into the liberator. The rest were too dangerous for close quarters use underground. As the others waited for a moment. Henry didn’t hesitate for a second. Without even checking what was in the hallway he stepped around the corner and fired six shots. Toeing the dead bodies Henry checked the revolver, two more shots. With a heavy sigh he checked the remaining corpses before shrugging. “Their dead.” Falling back to the end of the group again Henry re holstered his revolver after changing out the cylinder in it for a fresh one. No need to get caught without an effective number of bullets. Pulling his hat back out he pulled it down over sorrowful eyes. It was long past time to stop killing each other and start killing the [i]Enemy[/i]