[quote=Zane620] Yu saw Ryuu move out of the way as Yu spiraled down towards the Hollow at high speeds, His shikai touched the mask and sank deeper and deeper in(Giggity), causing the mask to crack some more, yet Yu saw the Hollow was still moving slowly which surprised Yu a little that it could still move with the damage done to his head, yet kept his shikai there he moved his blade around to see if it was touching the ground. He then grinned as Yu formed a giant wolf under it's head. Yu pulled his shikai out and shunpoed off the Hollow and moved Ryuu back a few more feet. "Bakuhatsu suru!" The wolf then howled as it glew and created a massive explosion right under the Hollow. [/quote] Ryuu watched as Yu dealt the finishing blow and once the wolf had exploded it kicked up a large amount of dust and wind which causes Ryuu's hair to flow with the wind before going back to normal once it calmed down..."Best go back.." Ryuu turned around and began walking away heading back to the Squad one barracks to claim his reward for helping with the mission...at least this would go down on his record and make him look good...he would now have hardly any trouble getting into a Squad now...at least that was what he had hoped