Ozuko felt sweat drip down from his face as he attempted to do twenty five push ups while his body's gravity was several times greater than normal. His normally used their gravity powers to help train in developing body muscle and it also aided them in learning to focus on controlling their personal gravity while under physical stress. He was now on number twenty of the exorcise and his arms felt ready to give out under the increased weight, he refused to let his arms give out and kept on pushing himself until he reached number twenty five. After that he made his gravity normal again and sat down to regain his breath. It was a tiring exorcise, but he had to do it. He needed to push himself as much as possible if his dream was become true. The path to being a great shinobi was full of challenges and competition, and Ozuko needed to be above the rest to win it. After checking the time he realized that it was around the time to meet his new sensei and start his first day with Squad 14. "Better not be late, otherwise that won't be good first impressions" he said to himself as he got back up on his foot and rushed to get his ninja equipment. Once he had all that he would need for today Ozuko quickly ran in the direction of the meeting place. He couldn't believe that it was finally time for him to become part of a squad and go on dangerous missions. This was his chance to make something of himself and show the world what his clan was capable of. [i]"Remember Ozuko, our clans philosophy is that success is all down to hard work and pushing oneself to their limits and breaking through them. With an unbreakable will there is no limit to a shinobi's potential."[/i] Ozuko remembered his father's words before leaving to do some last minute training, and he repeated the philosophy of his clan in his head and felt his spirit rise. With each stride a smile started to appear on his face and his confidence was up really high. "Look out world! Here comes Ozuko Matabi!" he shouted out loud and got several odd looks from passersby. Ozuko ignored them and kept on running towards the building where he would meet his teammates. Upon entering the building and finding classroom 14, he saw that he was the last to arrive. [i]"Well this is a little embarrassing, better ignore it and just act like it didn't happen"[/i] he thought to himself and gave them a proud smile. "Hello, my name is Ozuko Matabi, my admirers call my G and I'll be doing as much as I can to make this squad and myself the best in Konoha. I'm totally ready to kick some ass!" Ozuko said to his sensei and teammates with a grin. He may not have been using gravity release right now, but he felt lighter than air with the amount of confidence flowing through, a little too much confidence.