[b]"Are you sure you don't want that looked at? There's a piece of shrapnel stuck there that could lead to complications I will not be able to treat later on." [/b] He glanced over to the doctor before getting ready to set out. [color=8dc73f][b]“We all die at some point doc, if we stay put too long we could get jumped again. I’d rather not have that happen. Even for only a minute or two.”[/b][/color] He had a rough and deep voice. He wiped the trickle of blood oozing from the small hole in his armor. [color=8dc73f][b]“And this? It's just a scratch. Maybe your medical scanner is wrong.”[/b][/color] [b]"Maybe if you managed your ammo better you wouldn't have gotten caught in the first place." The warrior replied with a light scowl " This tunnel should lead us right out in front of the Casino, but we may have to deal with some under-dwellers first. And this isn't my group...Its Captain Horrigan's. Mahrl knows what he was thinking, but he saw something useful in each of you. Do the dead a service and prove him right." [/b] Roy gave a small shrug towards the ammo comment before replying. [color=8dc73f][b]“Sometimes shit happens ya know?”[/b][/color] giving a sideways glance to the Brother of Mahrl. [color=8dc73f][b]“It's your group now, boss. You're the only one who knows whats truly going on.”[/b][/color] Their current guide stalked off down the tracks. He drew his pistol and followed after. He was careful not to kick any debris. Someone in their group already had and it echoed for far too long. He wasn’t sure how he felt about the group some of them seemed green, others reckless. He had a bad feeling about this operation similar to his previous ops, and that ended with the death of his team and seven years prison time. Eventually they came across a few men arguing, the first one who spoke killed the latter one. A few seconds later he gave the all clear to kill them. The hatted man stepped around the corner and delivered quick and efficient justice. He was one of the reckless ones. He continued down the path stepping over the bodies, he waited for the guide to hurry past him. His stomach was a dull throb and now just an annoyance, eventually when they made it to the “casino” they’d be able to resupply. He kept his pistol up in case they ran into more under-dwellers.