[color=6ecff6] “Nice to meet you, Brea. I certainly hope we will get along.”[/color] Angel replied to the woman's introduction. She was quite the warrior type to have been moving with those wounds, the mechanic noted. Those were actually quite serious, good thing they had a doctor with them. [color=6ecff6]“Well, I make a note to move around always with a decent sized ammo supply. I still have 2 clips for the small and a couple shots for the big gun, but overall I wasn't prepared for a enemy wave of that number.”[/color] Angel admitted, doing a quick check on one of the plasma clips, she thought it may be damaged, but luckily that was not the case.[color=6ecff6]” I'm an engineer, not a front line soldier. The guy that usually handles my work propositions died a sudden death a few days before I got this assignment, I was working through a new one.”[/color] She stated, placing her weapon back in her holster. [color=6ecff6]“Right, well I suppose there are worse places for a hideout to be.”[/color] Angel smiled as the new leader by circumstances explained the situation and their destination.[color=6ecff6]” I suppose we shall have to pay for any drinks ourselves eh?”[/color] She asked jokingly. She knew full well they were definitely going to have to do so.” The jokes aside, we have black market access?” As they continued onward and reached a couple of under-dwellers and a newly dead person. Such a surprise actually, on her home planet if you are to be killed in a place like this, it usually ends with your essence drained not with a shank. Angel shrugged at it, she herself wasn't much for draining essence from people. She HAD done it on a few occasions, but it was never just for the sake of it. Last guy she did in, was a fool who tried to force himself on her at night on a her last ship... the poor sod. Well in a way she supposed each time she did so, she rid the world of another bad guy. Still the even bigger lose was that the guy from deal with the rest of the under-dwellers killed all of them. If there was one barely alive, she could have gotten some essence from him to finish him of. [color=6ecff6][i]'It's been too long, I hope we get to that place sooner. I've starved myself for a long time already.'[/i][/color] She thought as they continued walked towards their destination.