[@Billsomething] I like your initiative, but I didn't even post a CS yet. Sorry if this seems unfair, but I'm a bit of a stickler for formatting, so once an official CS format is given, I'd like you to change your cs to that, so no one gets confused as to what their CS should look like. Also, your images are broken. And I guess I didn't make this clear, but most of the Matoran that exist now are ones built in the city, so while he could know the game Kohlii, because the Po-Matoran probably have a place for it in the desert, and he can totally have lost an arm, it likely wouldn't have been from a "Chute" lurker, since there aren't chutes in Kongero Nui. There might be some kind of other Lurker that's, well, essentially the same Rahi, but called something different because it lives in, like, mountainous jungle caves or something.