[hider=Picture] [img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/3872/th/pre/f/2011/168/e/4/rogue_elf_by_einhajar-d3j7iaz.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Zymeni Arcantor Age: 42 (looks 16) Gender: Male Race: Elven Human [hider=Appearance] Zymeni is tall and muscular. His whole body is devoid of fat and it can be seen in his body shape. His face is pointed and his ears are sharply tapered like most elves. His hair is pulled into a long white braid that reaches mid-back and he scraps his beard off regularly. His eyes are odd as one is dark brown, almost black, and the other is pale blue, almost white. His nose is crooked and a thin pale scar comes down the right side of his cheek. His arms, legs and back is covered with small scars and on his chest scars run in parallel lines in line with his ribs. Normally he wears a padded sheepskin jerkin, woolen trousers, metal bracers, metal greaves and leather boots. Over the top he wears iron armor and a leather belt. Around his arm he wears two arm torques. Basically exactly like the picture above. A large black cloak, that reaches to around his knees, normally covers him unless its rolled up and stored away. The hood covers his face in shadows and the eyes of the cloak come round his shoulders to fully cover his body. Made for his father, a large man it is very large on him. [/hider] [hider=Backstory] Zymeni or Zy for short was the son of a human soldier and an elven noblewoman. They met when Zy’s father was escorting a noble from Drovia to Lothadia and they fell in love. When they married Zy’s mother was ostracized and told never to return. After the two left Lodiatha and back into Drovia they moved to a small village, called Wateror, located by the base of a waterfall. Wateror was a few weeks away from the capital on horse and it was quiet. There they had Zymeni who grew up in peace. His father started hunting and selling skins and meat and his mother was a healer of considerable skill. This skill mostly came from her mixing necromancy with healing magic. Zy learnt from the two of them. Magic from his mother and fighting, hunting and riding from his father. When Zy went hunting with his father they were trapped in the forest by a storm. During the storm the two of them got separated with Zy ending up lost. When the storm abated Zy returned back to the villaige where the lifeless body of his father waited for him. A traveller had found him half alive walking back to the village but he died soon after reaching their home. Zy and his mother continued living in the village in peace. Zy took over doing his fathers job and his mother continued healing. When a plague hit the village a few years later more and more people died. Anyone who got the plague died no matter what help they sought. Zy’s mother treated everyone the same way, first trying to heal them then trying to ease their passing. When Zy got it his mother was worried but tried her hardest to help him. She first healed him, where he acquired the cuts to his chest. Overtime rather than dying Zy started to get better, much to the surprise of his mother. In the end, she put it down to the elven blood both carried but the villagers didn’t see it that way. Declaring his mother a witch, and him the spawn of a witch, the villagers attacked their house during the night. As Zy stood at the door, armed, ready to defend them the house was lit. As Zy ran out the villagers attacked him, giving him the scars on his back, arms and legs. His mother, seeing Zy being attacked, launched her own attack on the villagers. Telling Zy to leave she attacked the villagers until she was cut down. As Zy ran he turned back and saw his home up in flames. His heart torn between following his mother and reason and going back and killing all the villagers he stood their in the night. Unsure what to do he carried on walking the path, hoping to go to the capital. Hearing the drum of hooves behind him he saw a band of men from the village chasing him. He ran to the forest and there he hid, using his hunting skills from his father and his magic from his mother, and killed a villager that came close to finding him. As the other villagers rode away in panic Zy grinned. He knew what he wanted to do. He would return and kill the villagers for what they had done but to do that he needed more power. As he looted and mounted the horse of dead man, walked it to the road and proceeded to trot towards the Capital he wondered how he could become powerful. On the way to the capital he hunted and sold the meat and skins to survive. Overtime he developed a fondness of alcohol. As he rounded the crest of a hill he saw the Capital for the first time. He drained the last bit of wine and rode forward. [/hider] Personality: Zy never shows his true feelings of hate, anger and rage by assuming a manner of cheerful optimism. Most would think him a young happy lad seeking his fortune, not a man on a mission of vengeance. Due to him not ever leaving the village before he is a bit naïve on the way the world really works. When he is drunk he sometimes shows his true feelings of anger but more often he acts immature. Weapon skill/choice: Dual swords, throwing blades and a razor whip. [hider=Weapon pictures] [img]http://pre10.deviantart.net/64cb/th/pre/i/2013/011/8/0/weaponry_264_by_random223-d5r5w8p.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/2d/0f/44/2d0f442d4211876c51828e4d1fba2413.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0e/73/f0/0e73f0ed0f66d9fc2ba55eee38fa3ba0.jpg [/img] [/hider] Power/ability: Able to manipulate shadows to either hide him or as a weapon/tool. Other Info: Has a way with animals