If Lammy were anyone else - with the possible exception of Eranah - her response would have been to flash a bright smile and a reassuring nod. She was a Paladin, it was her duty to be resolute and unshaken no matter how bad things got. To be brave even when no one else was. Paladins were as much about inspiring people to be better as they were about directly fighting the darkness that threatened the world. But she had been to Hell and back with Lammy, very nearly literally. She lowered her voice, not wanting to loudly declare her fear to the world in general. "I don't know, Lammy." She said. "Torm has been the foundation on which I built my life. When all's quiet I could feel his hand upon me, guiding me to the right path." She tugged off her gauntlet, then rested her hand on his, wanting to feel the touch directly rather than through the shell of steel around her. "At least..." She trailed off, her cheeks blushing red, then continued a moment later. "I'm glad you're here. I'd hate to face this alone."