[center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/d/dd/ScoutBattle-TSS.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120122021331[/img][/center] [i]In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized. Into the FIRST, GALACTIC, [b]EMPIRE![/b] For a safe, and secure, society.[/i] It has been 8 years since the reformation of the Republic into the Galactic Empire and it is a time of peace and prosperity, or so the Holovids claim. Tyranny, fear, greed. These are all the inner machinations of the Empire. While there are idealists within the Empire that is far from what the Empire has become. On Boonta, one of the Imperials hubs near the infamous Hutt space the regional Governor Sarrus lords above all. An uncaring dictator who only cares so long as the food, credits, alcohol and spice keeps flowing. This makes daily life no easier, Colonel Vale fills in for the lack of cruelty. Stepping firmly on any sign of insurrection, ensuring that the planet is well defended and that all quotas for the mines is met on time. In all but name the planet is under his control and a firm and cold grip it is. Yet as is always true, the more control the Empire tries to exert the more people who begin to resent it instead of fear it. Boonta is on the [i]edge of Rebellion[/i]. [hr] It is 11BBY, and the Empire controls the Galaxy. This roleplay will take place on the [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Boonta]world of Boonta[/url], a scrapyard, scum ridden mining world near Hutt Space. The world itself acts as an important point for all Imperial Interests in the nearby sectors. Though all throughout the galaxy dissent is growing as people finally begin to realize, that the Galactic Empire is not as good as it was once hoped to be. While it promised stability after the Clone Wars and order, it merely offers oppression and control. As such all over the galaxy small cells of rebels are rising up, however the Empire is quick to extinguish these groups. Cells struggle to survive in an ever changing Galaxy, will you fight for the security of the Empire? Or are you brave enough to stand in front of the Empire's war machine, raise your hand and say “No More”? [hr] As you can probably guess this is a RP that will be based on Boonta, I will be controlling the Rebel movements and [@CQBEXPT] will be controlling the movements of the Imperials. Really we are wanting to show the Empire in it's hayday, it's an unchangeable War Machine yet even then small Rebel movements exist throughout the galaxy, with very few of their movements expanding beyond the borders of one star system. We'll be one of the smaller cells, with no contact to any other rebel group. The Rebel Alliance is just a dream to us. I know it isn't terribly long for an Advanced interest check, but that is what it is. An Interest check, just seeing who is around. Any questions?