[quote=AbigailTenshi] Rio waited for Kaizo to drift off to sleep before she allowed the heaviness of her own eyelids pull themselves to a close. Now that she was finally relaxed and drifting off into dream land, she realised just how tired she actually was. Rio's mind scrolled through the days events and before she knew it, a certain event replayed in her mind. After about 20 to 30 minutes, Rio felt an uncomfortable, strange warmness fill her body as the scene continued to play since her mind wouldn't let her push it away. Rio tried shifting in her position, but that only made the feeling more noticeable. The mental image of Kenta standing up in front of her entered her mind, immediately causing her eyes to shoot open. Her face quickly turned a bright red as deep pants exited her mouth. She felt an unknown urge take over her body, making her heart race like it did during that moment in the hot spring. The moment replayed inside her mind every time she attempted to close her eyes, and soon her imagination began to run wild, turning the real scene into various sex fantasies involving her and Kenta... inappropriate ones. After repeatedly trying and failing to calm down and get to sleep, Rio gave up and decided that she'd get no sleep tonight, just so she could stay in control of her own thoughts. The blush that decorated her cheeks refused to disappear. Sitting up, Rio made sure to be as quiet as possible as she didn't want to wake Kaizo. She slowly took the blanket off of her and stood, walking over the her fridge, quietly getting herself a glass of ice cold water. She leaned against a kitchen counter as she drank, the liquid didn't help cool her down unfortunately... If anything, it made her feel a little more sensitive. Gritting her teeth and glaring, she squeezed her glass a little tighter but quickly loosened her grip as she didn't want to break it. Rio then placed the glass softly into the sink and reclaimed her seat, leaning on the table while looking at Kaizo. His face looked peaceful as he slept, his hair spread haphazardly across the pillow. He looked cute to Rio. She then dropped her face onto the table and gulped. Thoughts and images of Kenta wouldn't stop suffocating her mind... But, she didn't hate it... It was after all, the only guy that she has had physical contact with... Each one of their moments came flooding back, down to the first time they kissed and even when they first fought... How erotic and tantalizing Kenta looked... It was all too much for Rio's over-active imagination. [/quote] Kaizo had remained asleep for the entire night without any real issue...or any real dream...he wasn't really one to have dreams but when morning finally came his eyes slowly opened and he sat up straight away then stretched and yawned a little then rubbed his eyes [i] Well here goes another day...[/i] Kaizo looked over to Rio to see if she was still asleep or not but if she was then he'd likely try go and take a quick wash so he was all ready for the day ahead