[hider=RIVER APPLICATION] [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/f64bfb95cbc8dcb50f96242308b37f95/tumblr_mltwsblTtR1s5pl01o1_400.jpg[/img] Name: River Age: 24 Gender: Female Appearance: River's wolf form is dreary compared to her rather elegant human form. Her hide is white and gray, unkept and typically matted with blood. While her skin is smooth and clear with a fair amount of freckles sprinkling her face. Her human hair is silver, similar to the furn of her wolf form. Her eyes in both forms are a golden amber. Creature: Lycan Type of Hunter: Vampire hunter when in human form. Keeps the fact that she is a Lycan a secret from other hunters. How long have you been hunting/afflicted: Has been a Lycan since she was 18 Background: River grew up in a family of Vampire hunters who participated in hunts with both Vampire and Lycan hunters together. She trained with them since she was only a small child and became great at her craft. After a night out on the hunt, she was separated from the group. The darkness engulfed her as she became surrounded by three Lycan's. No mastery could have helped her at that point and she was bitten, left there in the forest to fend for herself. At first she tried to hide it from her family. But she had little control over it and she knew so little. Eventually, her family found out. At first, they feared her, claiming that she had let herself become a monster. It was not long after that they realized their love for her. Her family helped her learn how to control it, all while trying to keep her hidden from society. The risk was starting to weigh in and there were too many questions being unanswered. Eventually, her family decided that it would be best that they support her from afar in order to keep her safe from the other hunters. That is when she moved to where she is now and devoted herself to controlling the beast within her. Reason for Joining: The hunt is all that River knows, it's what she grew up in. She participates to keep people at bay about her and to help rid the world of the vampires that she hated so much. Arrived: River just arrived to the village late in the night last night. Today will be the first she has seen of it in the daylight and in human form. [/hider]