[center][color=662d91][h2]Mao no Kagami Lazy Ninja of the Leaf[/h2][/color][/center] The movement at the corner of the room alerted Mao's heightened senses to the presence of another even in his unconscious state. It was a moment before his eyes opened, lazy golden hues swiveling over towards the entryway to observe the newcomer. Unfortunately, as this was happening, the Jonin also involuntarily extended his legs, meaning to stretch them out, which caused the chair upon which he was seated to tilt ever more precariously backwards until the gravitic shift proved too much. Mao took a light tumble, the chair collapsing backwards as his body rolled once to the right. It wasn't by any means harmful or life-threatening; merely, it was another display of his apparent laziness. After righting himself the Jonin stood, hands pressed lightly against the fabric of his clothing to dislodge any new specks of dust or debris which might have been deposited by his latest action. For today Mao had chosen to dress rather casually. Instead of donning the usual combat pants, fatigue shirt, and flak jacket he'd instead opted for merely a pair of matching baggy black cotton pants and shirt with an unarmored utility vest over the top, definitely sub-standard apparel for combat situations. [color=662d91]"Well, sorry about that. You must be one of my genin right?"[/color] When the elder ninja spoke it was in a calm, relaxed tone that seemed to convey a sort of lackadaisical air. [color=662d91]"Well, it looks like none of the others have shown up so maybe we should just cancel your training for today?"[/color] Mao didn't even bother to look at the clock, an action which would have revealed immediately that Asuka was, in fact, rather early for this meeting and that the others would not be required to show up for some time still. [color=662d91]"Well what do you say miss. . ."[/color] Mao's eyes flickered back down to the scroll on the academy desk, doing a quick double-take to check the name. [color=662d91]". . . Koizumi?"[/color]