[h3]Magic Information[/h3]All the things you've ever wanted to know about magic blasts. Warning: Meaningless babble up ahead. Read at your own peril. WIP. [u][b]Basic Description[/b][/u] Magic is the natural progression of the ability to manifest the soul that humans achieved, not so long ago. But, what is the soul, and by extension, what is magic? There is much that mankind has yet to understand about the soul, but as of now, we know that the soul is something like the "culmination of your existence". Normally, it stays in a "realm outside of reality", but through sheer chance, human scientists stumbled upon a method of temporarily bringing the soul into the real world, and allowing it to interact with things through what they would call "Magic". Souls possess an incredible power, far beyond anything that can be found in normal reality, but it takes a certain toll on the body to harness and draw forth this power in any large quantity, so despite its unlimited potential, only a limited amount of the soul's true power can be used at any given time. This limit, however, is not static, and is controlled by a hard to define factor called "Resonance". The higher the magic-user's "Resonance", the more of their soul that can be manifested at a time, and the stronger their magic becomes. [u][b]Resonance[/b][/u] Resonance is, to put it in genre-savvy terminology, friendship power. It is the quality of "resonating" with another's soul, or with one's own, to produce a power-amplifying effect and allow one to express more of their true feelings. It increases "oneness" between the soul and the resonance target, allowing two individuals to better understand and draw power from one another, or to allow the user to come to a better understanding with their self. Resonating with others can accomplish a few things, most notably, boosting one's power and ability to accomplish their goals relating to that individual such as killing them, or becoming their friend. By resonating with themselves, a magic-user can increase their determination, fighting spirit, and drive to succeed. Additionally, although it is not known how, it is possible to minutely resonate even with things that do not possess souls themselves, particularly if they have a close attachment with the user. For example, a Magical Girl was once observed resonating with her locket (an object she had great attachment to) in order to increase her power, and defeat a previously impossible obstacle. The true implications and consequences of this phenomenon have yet to be studied in any great depth, due to its unreliability. [u][b]Brief History[/b][/u] Magic has been a reality for close to a hundred years, but many of the projects that were planned for it have only really came into fruition in the last thirty or so. The reason is that, for a while, it was considered unethical to use children for these magic-based projects, and so scientists had to make do with what turned out to be far inferior adult subjects. It was due to the revolutionary research of a certain institution that eventually the United Nations had no choice but to recognize their results, and allow the continued use of children in Magic research, so long as they were treated well. The years that followed this decision were tense, and full of equal helpings of triumph and despair. While the use of small children, especially girls, as conduits for magical power proved successful, it was quickly realized that the power these girls grew to possess was far higher than they had ever predicted. It was during this time that public and political unease began to gather around the magic research, and the idea that they could be turning hundreds of little girls into human weapons right underneath the world's noses. A handful of countries with the resources and know-how scrambled to start their own magic programs, recruiting young girls from all around their respective nations to be turned into Magical Girls and help protect their homeland. And then, terrorism struck. [b][u]Militarization[/u][/b] The military use of magical girls is an incredibly controversial topic that arose particularly during the dark period following the legalization of Magical Girl research. While it was never spoken of openly, it was a well-known secret that there was some sort of weapons and combat training going on behind the scenes in the so called "Magical Girl Academies", alongside the normal research and education. The world had no idea of the actual combat ability of Magic, since up until that point, it had never been used in anything but simulations and controlled testing. At some point, tension reached its peak worldwide and something had to give. However, in the end, it came from a source that nobody expected. An anti-magical faction that had been growing over the years had been secretly amassing resources in preparation for the day that they would strike, and as a result, the world finally grew to understand the incredible and terrifying power of the soul. During a series of coordinated attacks against academies and government facilities in Japan, a certain trio of Magical Girls were caught up in the fighting, and were forced into combat. The resulting catastrophe ushered the planet into silence. See, it had been the start of a new "school" year at the Magical Girl Academy, so a majority of the girls present had been virtually untrained newcomers, besides a small handful of girls who had stayed behind to teach their juniors. So, when chaos ensued, the poor unhardened little girls had nothing to do besides cry, run and hide. In order to protect the younger girls, a few of the seniors stood up to the assailants, but to little avail. That was, until those three stepped in. At that moment, the strongest of the trio could feel something, an amazing power welling up inside of her. In her heart of hearts, she could feel the souls of every girl behind her resonating with her at once, giving her a rush of power unlike anything she had trained to handle. So, not knowing what to do, she lashed out, trying to incapacitate the men surrounding her and her friends. Instead of knocking them out, like she expected, she fired off a beam that proceeded to vaporize both the men and three blocks worth of buildings all in one fell swoop. Several hundred innocents got caught up in the attack, but somehow, they were only put into a temporary coma from the damage. The conflicts in Tokyo ended. Over the course of the next three days, this trio of Magical Girls moved on to completely uproot the anti-magic faction in Japan, before finally the U.N. came to a decision to ban the militarization of Magical Girls. But, during this period of time, the world had a chance to see into the true nature of the power they had been casually toying with. Stricter regulations were put in place regarding Magic, and its usage, and since then the world has been in a near-utopian period of growth. That brings us to today... [b][u]Current [/u][u]State[/u][/b] The world is now in a time of peace and prosperity, with Magic having made many prior impossibilities a reality. With access to magic, cold fusion and soul-based energy generation means that there is no shortage of safe, reliable power for the entire world. Technology in all fields has advanced in leaps and bounds, leaving the face of the Earth radically different than it was only a hundred years prior. With the advanced colonization of the Moon and nearby planets due to faster travel and more abundant resources, the planet is no longer so overcrowded as it was before, and both famine and poverty are at an all-time low for the human species. On the Magical Girl side of things, Girls now attend their Academies free from many of the worries of their predecessors. Without the looming threat of war or the rush to break new scientific ground with each passing day, they are able to live something close to an ordinary school life, while learning to control powers far beyond the scope of ordinary girls. Magical Girls are idolized in modern culture, and even parents are starting to let up on their worries about their children going to learn Magic as a profession. Combat training has largely been replaced by a so called "Mock Battle" system, where girls will engage in playful sports such as capture-the-flag, only using non-lethal and non-painful magic instead of tagging. Several Magical Inter-School Sporting Leagues and Festivals have started being held, and it seems like the start of a long tradition of sporting activities between magic-users. Of course, these new traditions do have their roots in the battle training of the previous generations, but without the shadow of war hanging over them, it feels like more of a light-hearted game than anything else. [h3]Character Sheet[/h3][hr][center](Put appearance image here, if you have one)[/center] Name(s): (What you are called. Include any nicknames or titles here, as well.) Age: (Self-explanatory. Magic-users, especially Magical Girls, have noticeably slower aging than normal humans.) Gender: (Y-You're not going to be one of those disgusting people who apps a male, are you?) Personality: (A general description of how your character acts and thinks.) History: (A brief history of your character's life.) [center][u][b]Magic[/b][/u][/center]Style: (Describe your character's fighting or magic style here. You can be brief, and just say something like "Aerial Combat" or "Support", or you can fully flesh out all of the nuances that separate your character's style from others.) Colour: (Your soul's colour. Decides what colour your attacks are, and pretty much nothing else. Supposedly.)[hider=List of usable Magic]Here, you should list and describe all of the things your character is capable of doing with their soul, from the basic, general stuff, to your crazy unique finisher move with the energy pancakes. Attacks- (The attacks are magic that you use in a tussle, and usually don't do much outside of battle. Things like beams and bullets go here.) Spells- (Non-attacking magic. Binds, healing, barriers, doubles, stuff like this goes here.) Special Moves- (Different from ordinary spells and attacks, these could be called your character's "Signature" or "Finishing" moves. They can be really cool regular attacks, if you want, but most signature moves have some sort of gimmick unique to your character. Naming your special move is not optional.)[/hider] [center][u][b]Equipment[/b][/u][/center] Magical Equipment: (Any gear that coincides somehow with your magical abilities. Can be as simple as a Tamagotchi powered by your soul, to something as varied and complex as a toaster.) Combat Equipment: (Weapons go here. Think sci-fi, and I'm sure you'll manage. If it's powered by magic, it should go above.) Misc. Equipment: (Other things go here. Like hats, or items with deep emotional value.) [center][u][b]Other[/b][/u][/center] Combat Experience: (Talk to me before putting anything here besides "Inexperienced". Limited to a single Magical Girl player, but non-Magical Girl players are allowed to have it for free.) Hopes, Dreams, Goals: (What are you trying to obtain?) Fears, Flaws and Anxieties: (What is it that's holding you back?) Living Family: (Who is waiting for you back home?) Yuri: (Enabled or Disabled. Female characters only.)