[Center][img]http://www.everydayminimalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/suit.jpg[/img] Name: Dennis Montgomery Nickname: Suit Birthday: February 6 Age: 23 (17 when joined) Skills and abilities: •Excellent with guns. •Stealthy •Great at negotiating Personal struggles: •Easily pissed off Personality Traits: Tends to give off a cold hearted mood when it comes to business. Family: • Father : Don Montgomery ( Deceased ) • Mother: Anna Montgomery ( Alive ) , but is chained in the basement of Dennis's new house. •Half Brother: Danny Montgomery ( Deceased ) Medical Information: • Suffers from paranoia Phobias: N/AA Bio: Think of the most fucked up child hood there could ever be. A mafia boss father , a slut of a mother and a half brother that's gay. Even though Dennis brother was gay he loved him. His parents on the other hand hated them both. His father who didn't have much time for any of them abused Danny for being gay and treated his mother like crap. Dennis just watched and held in all the emotions that raged in him as he watched the scenes play before his eyes. Sadly the beatings escalated to far and Danny ended up dieing from a strike to the head from a blunt object. Dennis mourned over the lost of his brother while his parents didn't give a shit and kept living as if nothing changed. Dennis decided that he finally had enough of this bullshit of a family and did the only thing he was taught to do. He assassinated his father, disposed of the body by himself and decided that he will run his father's company. As for his mother he chained her up for being such a class a asshole. With both his parents out if commission Dennis became the head of his father's illegal tycoon. Needing support to keep his tycoon afloat Dennis joined the gang providing money, drugs, weapons, anything reasonable he'd lend out. In return for their cooperation to provide his company secretary. He's also a business man by day but an assassin at night. A sniper being his main instrument for said profession. Which is something else he brings to the table that profits the gang Trigger Warnings and Discomforts: •Dennis has a habit of lighting a cigarette and smoking it before he shoots the person who aggravates him. [/Center]