Cassandra sighed as she was last to speak, the other three having introduced themselves first. Alec, Sayuri and Lorenzo. Summoner/dragoon, knight, knight/dragoon respectively. She didn't rise, but instead said [color=f6989d]"I'm Cassandra, but I prefer Cassie. I will train to be a knight, in honor of my parents, but I wish to be a doctor. That was something I wanted to be before coming here, and it's what I want to be here"[/color] she looked down at her hands, one gloved, one ungloved. To get away with wearing the glove, she told people she badly burned her hand and the glove was to protect it. She never understood why she had to wear it, until recently. She didn't think it was something she could share with the class. [color=f6989d]"I mean, I have the sword and everything, so it seemed right to use it"[/color] Oliva nodded at the introductions, [color=ed145b]"knight is always a popular choice, and interesting that most of you chose battle roles, rather then support. A good team could not survive long without a doctor, or an Aria, for example, nor a summoner. A good team is balanced."[/color] she nodded to Cassandra and Alec, giving them a smile. [color=ed145b]"Primarily I tend to teach the more theory side, as well as support roles. Simon,'your other teacher, will be the more physical side, but often we mix the classes together. Do each of you know what the roles actually are?"[/color]