[center][h3][b][u][color=red]Ira Amaterasu[/color][/u][/b][/h3] [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/2w39ohg.png[/IMG] [@WaddleDaisy] Ira tried to find a way word his answer without sounding like the conjurer of darkness he was. Even though this was his first date , he didn’t want to scare the young mage off with speeches of how he wanted to become greater than Zeref and other mischievous thoughts. [color=red] “ Let’s say I’m here in search of an item of the musical profession. I’m somewhat of an enthusiast of the ancient relic sort. I got word that what I’m looking for may reside in this town so I came. To my surprise it actually is here, so the make a long story short I’m adding it to my collection.” [/color] By now the waiter had came back with an appetizer, some donuts sprinkled lightly in sugar, and the wine that Ira ordered earlier. [color=blue] “ Your main courses will be done in just a few minutes. Until then enjoy our famous pastries . We hope they’re to your liking.”[/color] The waiter began to pour the wine in two glasses as Ira reached for the delicious looking pastries. Before he bit into it he said, [color=red] “ To be totally honest, this is my first date. I wanted to wait until the end of the date but I’m quite anxious. I wanted to know have I been doing a good job as a host , so far at least.”[/color] Ira couldn’t believe he’d let the words escape his mouth, and in such a nonchalant fashion. Since there was no changing the past he might as well hear out whatever Taka would say . [/center]