[quote=Zane620] Yu watched as the dust cloud formed, and while Ryuu already started to head back. Yu waited until the dust settled down, and when he didn't see the body. Yu confirmed it was dead and shunpoed back to the Squad one barracks, with Ryuu. Once Yu was back at the building, he saw Ryuu waiting, and led him towards the Captains office and knocked on it, and waited for the enter. When allowed in, he opened the door, and entered the room with Ryuu. "The Hollow is no more sir, and I have to say Ryuu helped out greatly, I'm glad you allowed me to bring someone along." [/quote] Ryuu waited outside Squad 1 for Yu then once he arrived he followed him inside and then into the Captains office, he then stood next to Yu as he spoke about how Ryuu helped...this made him look even better which was good for a Squadless Shinigami... Shinji watched the two enter then listened to what Yu said then nodded "I see that is indeed good...Well done on completing the mission and well it seems you have picked wisely...it's much better when you get to pick your partner isn't it? allows you more control which is always good...I will sort out payments for the mission but for now you two should go rest until another mission pops up...then it will be up to you again who you take with you...Yu..." Shinji had to hold back a laugh again...you and Yu sounded so alike and for some reason he found it rather amusing "You're dismissed" Points for mission: 5 (Fair? xD)