[@VitaVitaAR] It looks nice, and obviously, I'll allow you to update it once we have more information out in the open. In particular, I don't expect you to have a finished history section yet because there is pretty much no world info released. O-Oh, and you can remove Resonance Style, I must have been drunk when I made that sheet, because I can't for the life of me remember what that was supposed to be used for. Also, those Nanoha attack names... .3. [@KoL] Um, but animals do all of those things. And if they were as intelligent as humans, they would probably do it even more. And in-universe, their souls are actually way weaker than a human's. So yeah. That's not to say you can't have a genetically modified character, just that your logic isn't really sound concerning how they would be stronger than others. Sorry if this comes off as mean~ [hider=Ugly quotes~] [quote=@Rune_Alchemist] Hmm...about how many characters will you be accepting? Just asking, because I'm probably gonna be a bit busy these next few days, and I'ma go ahead and start working on one if there's not going to be many. Kind of. Its' late here, and I really should sleep...xP [/quote] Mmm, somewhere around 5 girls seemed like a good enough number to me. I might stretch for 6 if somebody really impresses me, and I'll also probably maybe allow one or two non-Magical Girl characters besides, depending on sheet quality and my general impression of the player. [quote=@Weird Tales] what magic would you say is off limits, and what is your rules on divine magic? Like do deities exist in this universe? [/quote] I won't confirm or deny the existence of deities, but they are in no way related to any of the current events of this RP and don't really have any effect on character creation or abilities. [quote=@VitaVitaAR] Well, it's magical girls. Since this feels pretty Nanoha, I am guessing it will involve over-the-top befriendings. [/quote] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-HxGwnjoK6j4/Tc5oHI40wUI/AAAAAAAAAEY/QGbqSgfNw8I/s1600/nanoha-Befriend-resize1.jpg[/img][/hider]