[center][h3][color=pink]Nagisa Hana[/color][/h3][/center] Upon hearing the sound of the door opening, Nagisa's head quickly turned, her hand pausing in its motion to bring her cigarette to her lips. Nagisa's blue eyes landed on a small boy with dark hair, who greeted her but immediately took a bigger interest in Lee. The ninneko visibly perked up as he was happy to be noticed, and Nagisa smirked, looking away and back out the window. Lee looked at the boy who came to kneel in front of him and tilted his head, one of his ears twitching for a moment. [b]"Hello there. Tao is it? I'm Lee."[/b] he would say to the small boy, hopping from his perch on the desk to go and give the boy a light sniff. A moment afterwards, he looked at Nagisa. [b]"Aren't you going to say hello?"[/b] he asked her. She was looking their way, blowing her smoke out the window occasionally as to not fill the room with the scent. [color=pink]"Well, it seemed you two were having a moment there and I didn't want to interrupt. My name's-"[/color] she started to introduce, but just then the door opened again and a tall girl stepped into the room. She was cute with long hair and tan skin, and all eyes were on her for a moment as she greeted everyone. She looked like a model with her height and of course Lee hand to prance over and look up at the girl and say hello first. He was such a sucker for girls. [b]"Nice to meet you Shingetsu,"[/b] he started, going to her and rubbing up against her leg. This caused Nagisa to snicker quietly from across the room. To see the ninneko so happy about meeting the students was a once in a lifetime thing. There would never be a moment when he would be this cute. He was acting like a normal cat for a moment. Nagisa simply stayed quiet and allowed him to speak to them first. [b]"My name's Lee."[/b] the ninneko said, his natural bored and monotonous tone of voice not being able to mask his excitement. Nagisa had a feeling he was a moment from pawing at the girl's leg in an attempt to get picked up, but he hadn't yet. If he did, she would have probably exploded into a pile of feels anyway. She tapped her cigarette against the windowsill, letting the ash fall off and blow away in the wind as she listened to the exchange of greeting. The small cat hopped up on a desk so that he was at a higher level to them, just as the door was pulled open again. This time, another boy came in, not too tall but with some visible muscle strength to him, and he excitedly introduced himself as Ozuko while saying he was ready to kick some ass. Nagisa smiled at this, loving the confidence and energy he seemed to bring to the room. She knew the others would be feeling it, getting excited to take this next step in their lives. It made her think back to when her and Lee were assigned to their first team. The emotions she started feeling actually compelled her to finally step in and say something. She pushed herself away from the wall and took a few strides across the room to push the three students together into a big hug. She held them there, awkwardly for a moment, before releasing them and taking a step back and crossing her arms across her chest. [color=pink]"That... never happened."[/color] she said, the lightest of blushes rising on her cheeks. [color=pink]"Anyway, I suppose it's time I introduce myself now that the ice has been officially broken. My name's Nagisa Hana. I'll be your sensei from this point on. You can call me Nagisa-sensei if you like, though I don't care for titles."[/color] She gestured to Lee, whose ears perked up. [color=pink]"That little guy there is Lee."[/color] [b]"I'm here to protect you from her."[/b] he started, causing Nagisa to glare at him. [b]"If she touches you in an inappropriate way, be sure to-"[/b] he didn't get a chance to finish before she picked him up by the fur on the back of his neck. [color=pink]"You know how many people would pay me to eat you for dinner? Don't make me sell you to that lady across the street, damn cat."[/color] she said, the two glaring at each other for a moment before she turned her attention back to her students. [color=pink]"Lee here is my companion. He goes where I go, so he's just as much your sensei as I am. Though the only thing he has to offer is a smart mouth and... oddly good life advice."[/color] she said, lowering the ninneko back onto a nearby desk, though upon hearing him mumble something, she turned and grabbed him again, throwing him out the open window before using her chakra to control the winds and slam it closed. Taking a deep breath, she turned to the three and gave them a long look. She wondered about their skills, looking at them kind of gave her an idea, but physical appearances weren't everything. [color=pink]"I have a bit of a test for you."[/color] she would say, moving to toss her burned out smoke in the trash. [color=pink]"Can any of you,"[/color] she started. [color=pink]"Recite to me the six most important shinobi rules? The ones you learned at the academy?"[/color] she asked, going back to stand before them. [color=pink]"We need to discuss those rules and how they'll play a part in the next few years of your life."[/color] she would say, pulling out her lighter as she waited patiently.