[CENTER][h1][color=ed1c24]Seiji Onoda[/color][/h1][/CENTER] The sun rising above the trees of Kohonagakure was a beautiful right to see. It was still quiet in the village, it seemed like only the early birds were awake at this time. Soon it would start to heat up, once the sun fully made it above the tree-line, but for now the air still held a slight chill. There was one particular early bird who was enjoying the scene in front of him. Perched on the roof of his house, a young man observed his village, his scarlet colored eyes scanned the surroundings. Seiji Onoda, for the briefest of moments, allowed himself to smile. Just the twitch of his lip muscles, a slight upward curve, for just a second. Then, it was gone. What was left on his face was a look of grim determination. [color=ed1c24][i]Today's the day...[/i][/color] "Seiji? Come say goodbye to us before you leave!" A female voice rang out. [color=ed1c24]"Tsk,"[/color] The young Onoda stood to his full height, and gracefully jumped off his perch. His landing was nigh inaudible, a slight thump and a small cloud of dust kicked up into the air. After dusting off his pants Seiji sauntered into his home. Waiting inside for him were his parents, Sudo and Yanagi. Yanagi practically bounced over to her adopted son and wrapped him into a big bear hug. It was actually quite funny looking seeing as she was only around five feet tall, which meant that Seiji had around a full foot on her. He gazed at his father, who was also a quiet man. Sudo did not smile, he did not speak, but instead nodded his head. That was good enough for Seiji, he would make them proud, indubitably. Yanagi reached a hand up and cupped her son's face. "You make me so proud, every day, no matter what happens I will always love you. Now go, make us even more proud!" Seiji smiled once again, twice in one day! [color=ed1c24]"I'll be home for dinner. Dad, are we training afterwards?"[/color] Sudo nodded once again. Seiji made sure he had everything he needed before leaving, the least thing he needed was to show up as a new genin and not be prepared. Once out of the Onoda compound, Seiji's face became an impassive mask. This was it, now was the time to be serious. Now was the time to show people who he was, who he could be. Now was the time to be strong. Absorbed in his thoughts, Seiji almost didn't even see the messenger ninja. After the ninja left he read the scroll. It read- [i]All of your hard work and struggles have paid off. I'm so proud of how far you've come, but now it's time to see how much farther you can take yourself. You've been assigned to Squad 13 and will meet your Sensei and new teammates in the Academy classroom corresponding to the Squad number you've been assigned. I hope I can count on you to excel and do your best. The village needs you. Best of Luck, Tsunade[/i] After reading the message, Seiji headed towards the Academy, it would be the last day he would have to go there. Damn, time sure did fly. While walking Seiji pondered what his future would hold. He hadn't talked to Daichi or Nori but from watching them perform in the Academy he guessed they would be manageable. Hopefully they didn't drag him down, but he wouldn't put it past them. As for their sensei, well that was a mystery until he or she showed up. It seems that he was the first to arrive. Seiji grabbed a chair and sprawled himself out in it, now all he had to do was wait...