Name: Trick Race: Wizard Elemental Power or Weapons: Fire, creates card constructs out of fire. Weaknesses: Water makes fire weaker. Bio: When trick was born he was the youngest of 10 children, the oldest being 2 years old. He and the 9 other children were raised by a sadistic wizard and witch who enjoyed seeing others in pain. They didn't love the children as none of them were theirs, and so they gave them no names. Only numbers, #1-10. Trick being the last born was #10, the wizard and the witch took immense pleasure in watching the children squabble for the scraps they gave them, eventually once #10 was 7 years old they begun forcing the children to fight each other for food. Each child not wanting to starve fought tooth and nail for even the smallest amount of sustenance. Around the same time their powers begun to show themselves, #10 was able to manipulate fire, each other child having some other sort of ability, they begun fighting using these too. By the time #10 was 11 4 of the other children had died from starvation. With only 6 children left the wizard and the witch reduced the amount of food each child got. Desperate, the children begun fighting more ruthlessly and more cutthroat, they begun trying to kill each other. This went on until there were only two children left, both scarred, burned, and disfigured, the last children were #10 and #7. The wizard and witch decided they wished to have a special fight for the finale, they dug a circular pit 10 feet down and 30 feet in diameter. Once it was midnight they threw the children in and told them to fight, #7 was a year older than #10 and was faster and stronger. He easily overpowered #10 using his wind elemental magic, he began cutting #10 savoring the moment before he killed him. He cut his legs, and arms, and scarred his face further. He watched as #10 bled, he taunted and beat #10 until he could take no more. But when he went in for the kill #10 grew enraged and scorched #7 beyond recognition, he threw flame at his unsuspecting captors, and laughed as they burned. Freedom was something he had never felt before, he had been in captivity for as long as he had been alive. #10 shuffled through the thick woods half dead, and stumbled across a group of wandering gypsies who took him in. They saw a wounded and tired young boy and they cared for him and nursed him to health. #10 was still disfigured but no longer bleeding to death, each gypsy tried to be kind and make friends with #10 but he ignored them. They tried to play games with him but he took no part, they only managed to interest him with card tricks, they cared for #10 and named him Trick. But once as they traveled through a town Trick lit a candle using his powers, hunters came after them, they killed his new family. They cut them down in there sleep, Trick heard their strangled gasps, and he burned them, he burned them all. Personality: Trick is distant, he is cold, hates human and wizards alike. Appearance: [url][/url]