[center] Name: Logan Kol Race: Wizard Elemental Power or Weapons: Carbokinesis (Which could be under "Rock" I guess I just find elemental power to vague) Weaknesses: Weak against Fire magics mostly, Bio: Sweaty. Blindingly bright. Twice as humid as anything you've ever felt. This is how Logan has always felt living in Qatar, his parents had been super protective of him whilst wreaking havoc, trying to take over the world. He was born in the U.S but they all moved to Qatar due to a lack of witches and wizards trying to take over there. The farthest the Kol's had ever got was to the Emir, or king, of Qatar but they had then gotten severely injured. Logan was distraught as Qatar at the time didn't have very good hospitals or medical care, and even if they did who would treat a witch and a wizard? Not long after the injuries, Logan's parents died. Logan fell into a deep depression losing his two parents. But as soon as he started to do what his parents did, wreak havoc on Qatar, he had found what he loved most. He himself was looking forward to a future of witches and wizards. Personality: Violent. Oh, so, so violent. Usually narcissistic, not realizing his mistakes. Definitely willing to make a change if it helps him take over the world in the long run. Appearance: [img]http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n538/bii98/Tagboard_zps8863692b.jpg[/img] Other: Moved to the U.S. [/center]