"[b]I'm just following orders. Sorry about this.[/b]" Name: Dimitri Cromwell Race: Human (hunter) Age: 24 Elemental Power or Weapons: [img]http://img14.deviantart.net/e939/i/2014/220/7/8/commission__z_303_zeus_javelin_by_aiyeahhs-d7tbzpt.jpg[/img] Weaknesses: He's only human- he might be able to take a hit better than the average joe, but a fireball spell or something else of sufficient power will put him down as easily as anyone else. Dimitri holds a lot of doubt about his work which can occasionally cause him to hesitate on the field of battle. Bio: Dimitri comes from a long family line of hunters who's roots can be tracked as far back as the Salem witch trials. What sets the Cromwell family apart from other hunting families however is the fact that they refuse to do their work for the church, God, or any sort of belief in the greater good. The only thing that spurs the Cromwell family on is money. They have ended many family lines all in the name currency, be it coin or cash. Dimitri's father was no exception to this rule, something Dimitri figured out early on when he was pulled into the family business. Throughout his youth Dimitri was armed and trained for the task, even going so far as to go out with his father on hunts for more hands on experience. At first Dimitri's childish innocence and complete trust in his father led him to view the hunts as something that was no different than the hunting of vermin, but as time went on Dimitri began to actually question some of the things he did, though he never could find the will power to actually resist his father's wishes. After moving out, Dimitri took to hunting less and less, only picking up his activity when his father was in town. He would eventually be approached by representatives of the Homeland ruler after being recommended to them by his father. Personality: A mellow if not somewhat pessimistic fellow, Dimitri tends to be the guy that, if dragged to a party, would much rather stick to a corner and mutter about how he'd rather be at home watching television in his recliner with a cold beer. This isn't to say that Dimitri is timid, rather he's simply not the most sociable of people. This is especially true when it comes to his hunts, as he'll often avoid working with others, especially those that take joy in their actions. Dimitri views witch hunting not as a hobby or duty, but as an unsavory job that he only keeps to make his family happy. Dimitri holds no animosity towards the magically inclined, and while he is still willing to hunt and combat witches and wizards of a violent nature, Dimitri will occasionally turn his head the other way and allow the more lax ones to get away provided that he's met his quota and they agree to stay under the radar. Appearance: [img]http://img03.deviantart.net/140a/i/2011/334/d/6/___deadstarz____by_wyv1-d4hqtgx.jpg[/img] Other: He keeps a three year old Rhodesian ridgeback named Brutus that he uses to scent track witches and wizards.