The sound of birds chirping, squirrels scurrying, and leaves rustling moved through the otherwise peaceful Uchiha compound, along with the sounds of different men and women stirring awake within their comfortable beds, ready for yet another morning in the prosperous Hidden Leaf Village. However, a different sound, coming from the backyard of the Head Family's personal abode, was quite a different commotion. It was the steady, fast-paced sound of wooden being splintered and hit, along with the occasional high-pitched giggles of a young girl. A young man, tall and leanly muscular - evident by his distinct lack of shirt, stood on the top of a wooden post, his lightly scarred hands held out in front of him. His hair was rather soft-looking and spiky, being a deep raven-black in color. His eyes were the most distinct portion of his face, with the irises being pure, crimson red, and the left one having one black tomoe rotating swiftly, and the right one having two black tomoe rotating at the exact same speed as the left one, creating an intimidating, yet oddly mesmerizing scene. A respectable distance away from the boy, beside a large oak tree, was a little girl with long, silky black hair, pale skin reminiscent to the young man, and dark black eyes. She was smiling slightly as she slammed a small fist into the side of a sleek steel machine, which hummed quietly for a second, before spitting out five thick wooden logs at high-speeds, the logs being mere blurs. They were sent forward at a speed that would have already slammed into any other shinobi. As it was, this young man wasn't just any shinobi. His body reacted instantly, each movement a blur of motion. His left fist, crackling blue with electricity, slammed into the first log right at the tip, causing it to explode instantly in wooden splinters due to the high-speed and the force it slammed into his chakra-coated hand with. As splints flew all around him, the young man's body was already in motion, turning slightly to the right as his left leg extended sharply, slamming into the second log and sending it careening away. Completing the chain reaction of moves, the young man twisted to his left and slammed his right elbow into the third log, sending it blasting into the ground, before smoothly and swiftly transitioning into a one-handed handstand, both of his legs catching the fourth log between them, whilst the young man then flipped back onto his feet, log still balancing between his legs, and threw a kunai with a low-powered exploding tag at the fifth and final log, which was already about to hit the concrete walls behind him. The kunai pinned the log to the wall, and the low-powered explosion tag ignited, blowing the log into chunks of wood, but leaving the wall with only scorch marks. With a breath of heavy air, the Genin turned around, glancing over at his sister. Only a couple seconds had passed since she had turned on the machine. "How was that?" Daichi asked, feeling his lips twitch slightly as Amaya threw a chunk of wood at him. Without even glancing at the surprisingly fast-moving object, Dai swatted it out the way, Sharingan eyes still staring at the ten year old girl. She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "You don't have to act so cool about it! I bet I can do that once I get my Cheating Eyes!" Her pout turned into a teasing grin at the end of her sentence. Daichi rose an eyebrow, his stoic lips pulling down slightly into a frown. "You'd better not call it that in front of Tou-Sama." He warned, dropping down from the log he had been balancing on, and bending down to grab his long-sleeved shirt and the letter Messenger-san had delivered five minutes ago. The slightly concerned brother received a raspberry in return. "Yeah, yeah! Go meet your team, Dai-baka, or you'll be late." "Hn." Daichi finally allowed the small smirk to form on his lips, turning around and nimbly leaping up the tall concrete wall that blocked their training grounds from other Uchiha eyes. He stood, about to drop down the other side. His head turned, and Amaya was, once again, treated to crimson and black irises staring into her soul. Her fingers stopped just as she was about to click the log machine's button. "Don't even think about it." He finally broke his stoicness to give her a full smirk - surprise surprise! - before dropping down and making his way to the academy. With another pout and huff, Amaya sat down beneath the tree once again, taking a kunai out of the tree's bark. "Stupid idiot." She grumbled as she threw the kunai at the wall, causing it to stick into the concrete. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Daichi knew of his teammates- Seiji, a guy who seemed to not even trust himself, and Nori, a surprisingly nice Inuzuka. The two, he knew, had a sort of...'wild' vibe to them, both having pretty animalistic fighting styles, but even then, he knew nothing personally of them. As long as they did not attempt to hinder his growth, they would be decent teammates - both boys were decent fighters, after all. Finished with his thoughts, Daichi opened the door to the classroom, sharp black eyes immediately taking in the form of Seiji. The red-haired boy was sprawled in a chair, looking quite unimpressed with the current events. Understandable really, especially since their sensei was supposed to already be there. Giving the boy a nod of acknowledgement, Daichi sat at a desk nearby, leaning back in his seat and looking up at the ceiling. This time could have been occupied being all friendly and chatting up Seiji, but Daichi had absolutely no plans on kissing up to anyone. Respect was earned, not given, and he certainly wasn't going to try and impress anyone.