[center][color=00a651][h1]Taibushi Modobo[/h1][/color][/center] Taibushi was leisurely strolling through Konaha, enjoying the trees the fresh air, the sun. All of it was just so nice, and to top off such a wonderful morning, he was wearing and leaf forehead protector. He reached up and lightly touched it, eyes still fixed on the few clouds above. It may have taken three attempts, but that didn't matter to him. It just meant he had tried three times harder than others, and while some may look down on his failures, he took hold of his eventual success with pride. This was it, he had made it and graduated the academy, and was on his journey of being a shinobi. Or was he? the thought that even after his graduation, he had still not received word or order of what squad he was being assigned to was slightly worrisome to him. He really didn't know if anyone else had received theirs yet or not, he didn't have anyone who was a friend really, and he tried to avoid others if he could. Taibushi was stopped abruptly by a sudden puff of smoke that dissipated to reveal a messenger. [i]"Taibushi Modobo?"[/i] He asked, eyeing the the short frail boy before him. Taibushi simply nodded, not desiring to speak, if fact he wasn't sure he would be able to form words even if he tried. The messanger held out a scroll for him, hanging off of it was a tag that bore his name, and it had the seal of the Hokage on the outside of the scroll. Taibushi smiled and took it from the man, who without another word disappeared in another puff of smoke. Eager, he opened it and quickly read it. Short, sweet, and to the point, the Scroll informed him of what squad he would be serving in, and a time and place to meet with the rest of his squad for the first time. He frowned slightly, [b][color=00a651]"Back to the academy huh? Well hopefully it's the last time. I've had enough of that place to last me a lifetime."[/color][/b] He noticed the time was merely a half hour away, [b][color=00a651]"What! Is everything going to be so last minute, or was I simply last to receive my message!?"[/color][/b] Still grumbly to himself quickly he took off for the academy. Huffing and puffing slightly, Taibushi noticed the clock while walking to the classroom. [i][b][color=00a651]"Three minutes to spare,"[/color][/b][/i] he thought to himself as he rounded the corner into the room. Unfortunately, it would seem their was someone currently standing in the doorway, someone who he walked straight into. The first thought to enter his mind was who it could have possibly been, the second being that that were both taller than him and more solid, the third being that his lack of taijutsu ability was surely about to bite him in the ass, finally, that whomever he had walked into...... smelled nice? He fell back on his butt looking up at the figure who surly mustn't have been budged by it much at all, and was greeted with the sight of a white kimono and long black hair drawn back into a ponytail. Of coarse, not only was he about to get beaten, but beaten by a girl, a cute girl, but a girl nonetheless. Quickly raising his hands in front of him, he began apologizing, [b][color=00a651]"I'm sooooooo terribly sorry about that, I hadn't seen you there, and was in a hurry. It was my fault, really, I do apologize......."[/color][/b] He trailed off awaiting her reaction, but also amazed he had actually just spoken to a complete stranger, no stuttering, no awkwardness (Well, not in his speech at least).